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Justice is an expression of Christian love.  Justice is based on the distribution of goods and the equality of all citizens.  Justice is also a virtue.

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Presentation on theme: "Justice is an expression of Christian love.  Justice is based on the distribution of goods and the equality of all citizens.  Justice is also a virtue."— Presentation transcript:

1 Justice is an expression of Christian love

2  Justice is based on the distribution of goods and the equality of all citizens.  Justice is also a virtue that gives each person what they are due  Justice in the courts is only one form of justice (called judicial justice)  Our world needs justice – there is so much that is not fair (poverty, gender inequality, unemployment, ageism, racism, access to health care)

3  These rights were established in 1948 by the United Nations:  Examples are right to education, right to freedom of conscience.  Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms outlines how the UN Charter applies in Canada.  Rights – things in society to which we are entitled

4  Western society is largely based on competition  An example of this is capitalism and individualism  In this type of system, there is no limit placed on what a person can acquire – and our Church teaches that this is unacceptable.  Social justice is seen as including 2 parts: ◦ The fair distribution of goods ◦ The fair distribution of opportunity.

5  Jesus said that riches can be an obstacle to living a moral life.  In your small group, discuss examples of this (either from our culture or ones that you have created)  A very important teaching of Christianity is the preferential option for the poor.  How and why Catholics care about people living in poverty  sh0

6  Read each passage from the Bible, summarize and answer the questions.  Read Matthew 25: 31-46 (The Last Judgment)  Can we love God without loving even “the least” of the people we encounter? Explain.  How is this reading challenging? How is it comforting?  Read Luke 12: 13-21 (The Rich Fool)  What is this parable trying to teach us?  How could we apply this teaching to our lives today?  Read Luke 21: 1-4 (The Widow’s Offering)  What is generosity?  Read Matthew 6: 19-21, 24 (Concerning Treasures and Wealth)  What does Matthew mean by “where you treasure is, there your heart will be also”?  Can a person be wealthy and serve God? Explain, using real-life examples

7  Justice needs to be established for all, but especially considering those who suffer.  What does each group do to create/encourage justice in the world?  Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers   Sisters of Life 

8  Jean Vanier was born in 1928 to Canadian parents in Switzerland.  He studied and taught philosophy in university.  In 1964, he founded L’Arche communities – now present in 40 countries worldwide.  It started as a program for developmentally disabled adults, but has changed to meet other needs (e.g. aging, end of life care).  offers day programs, help for caregivers, info.  L'Arche - Jean Vanier, “Seeing God in Others”  

9  1. All humans are sacred, regardless of:  Culture, race, religion  gender  capacity or incapacity  strengths or weaknesses  …and each of us needs help to become all we can be

10  2. Our world and our lives are in the process of evolving.  We need to love the values of the past and reflect on how they are to be lived now.  These values include forgiveness, openness, love, wholeness, unity, peace.

11  3. Maturity comes through working with others  We can do this through dialogue, belonging and a searching together.  We need each other!  4. Human beings need to be encouraged to make choices, and to become responsible for their own lives and for the lives of others.

12  5. In order to make such choices, we need to reflect and to seek truth and meaning.  To be human means to be connected to others.  We need to accept ourselves just as we are, and others as they are.  We are not perfect – it’s a journey we are on together.

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