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Classical Languages of India and China Implications of phonetic vs. pictographic languages in cultural evolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Classical Languages of India and China Implications of phonetic vs. pictographic languages in cultural evolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classical Languages of India and China Implications of phonetic vs. pictographic languages in cultural evolution

2 Sanskrit: The Phonetic Root of Indic Languages

3 Sanskrit (Devanagari) the 50 aksaras (indestructibles) Phonetic logic: 14 vowels are first, followed by 36 consonants

4 India: An Oral/Aural Culture primacy of the spoken word the living word over the dead letter emphasis on the sound over the meaning being in the presence of God(s) and teachers (darsan)

5 The Hindu Tradition: Spatial Dimensions

6 Chinese: A Diverse Spoken Language Chinese dialects Cantonese and other regional dialects (8 / 26 / 8,000 ?) "Mandarin" Chinese: the "common" dialect 普通話 (putong hua)


8 Written Chinese Minbei Hakka Mandarin Xiang Cantonese Wu Minnan 漢字 A Common Written Language 漢字 Gan 漢字

9 Cang Jie 倉頡 (minister to the Yellow Emperor) “observing the footprints of birds and beasts”... 文 culture writing civility discovering “culture” in “cosmos” Mythical Origins of Written Chinese Sculpted bronze figure, Library of Congress, 1939

10 The Pictographic Basis of Chinese Characters Oracle bones from about 1400 BCE

11 Typology of Chinese Characters 1. Pictographs 2. Ideographs 3. Lexigraphs: Meaning-meaning Combinations 4. Phonetic Lexigraphs: Sound-meaning Combinations

12 1. Pictographs 日 ri sun/day 月 yue moon/month 田 tian field 口 kou mouth 水 shui water 人 ren person

13 2. Ideographs 上 shang up/above 下 xia down/below 中 zhong middle/center 一 yi one 二 er two 三 san three 凹 ao concave 凸 tu convex

14 3. Lexigraphs: Meaning-meaning Combinations 日 (sun) + 月 (moon) is 明 (bright) 女 (woman) + 子 (child) is 好 (good) 乃 (breast) + 子 (child) is 孕 (pregnant) 手 (hand) over 目 (eye) is 看 (look) 手 (hand) with 手 (hand) is 拜 (worship) 人 (person) in the 山 (mountain) is 仙 (immortal) Three 木 (trees) is a 森 (forest) Three 蟲 (insects) in a 血 (bowl) makes 蠱 (poison) When you die, thousands of bugs stream from your eyes, ears, nose, and mouth! -- especially used by wives and other (bureaucratic) subordinates

15 4. Phonetic Lexigraphs: Sound-meaning Combinations 水 (water) + 羊 (yang) is 洋 (ocean) 火 (fire) + 登 (deng) is 燈 (lamp) 金 (metal) + 同 (tong) is 銅 (copper) 雨 (rain) + 允 (yun) is 雲 (cloud)

16 Kangxi Zidian 康熙字典 Character Dictionary of the Kangxi Reign Period (1716) 49,030 characters Literacy: 2,000 University degree: 5,000

17 Chinese Romanization Systems of romanization: TaoLao-tzuChuang-tzuchun-tzujen DaoLaoziZhuangzijünziren Wade-Giles Han-yü pin-yin 道老子莊子君子仁 (representation of a word or language with the Roman [i.e. Latin] alphabet)

18 Advantages of a Pictographic System? in the face of dialectical diversity in the face of geographical extent in the face of temporal/historical scope

19 Aural-Spatial vs. Visual-Temporal Orientations India Sound 3 dimensionality Presence Seeing and hearing devanagari (gods as origin of sound) cultural disunity of a phonetic language system China Image 2 dimensionality History Textuality characters (gods as origin of script) cultural unity of a pictographic language system

20 Note: What you need to know for the first exam General Concepts and Ideas (partial list) 8. de 德 (power, virtue in Confucian sense) 9. Tian-ming 天命 (the Mandate of Heaven) 10. three obediences (women’s roles) 11. xin 信 (reliability, trustworthiness) Chinese Characters for Recognition (partial list) 1. 禮 (li: rites, propriety) 2. 仁 (ren: co-humanity, benevolence) 3. 孝 (xiao: filial piety) 4. 恕 (shu: reciprocity) 5. 道 (dao: the “Way”)

21 General Concepts and Ideas (partial list) 8. de 德 (power, virtue in Confucian sense) 9. Tian-ming 天命 (the Mandate of Heaven) 10. three obediences (women’s roles) 11. xin 信 (reliability, trustworthiness) Chinese Characters for Recognition (partial list) 禮 li (rites, propriety) 仁 ren (co-humanity, kindness, benevolence) 孝 xiao (filial piety) 恕 shu (reciprocity) 天 Tian (Heaven)

22 General Concepts and Ideas (partial list) 8. de 德 (power, virtue in Confucian sense) 9. Tian-ming 天命 (the Mandate of Heaven) 10. three obediences (women’s roles) 11. xin 信 (reliability, trustworthiness) Chinese Characters for Recognition (partial list) 20. 禮 li (rites, propriety) 21. 仁 ren (co-humanity, kindness, benevolence) 22. 孝 xiao (filial piety) 23. 恕 shu (reciprocity) 24. 道 Tian (Heaven)

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