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Freight Impacts on Ohio ’ s Roadways presented by Suzann S. Gad, AICP The Ohio Depart Of Transportation Office of Urban & Corridor Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Freight Impacts on Ohio ’ s Roadways presented by Suzann S. Gad, AICP The Ohio Depart Of Transportation Office of Urban & Corridor Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Freight Impacts on Ohio ’ s Roadways presented by Suzann S. Gad, AICP The Ohio Depart Of Transportation Office of Urban & Corridor Planning

2 Lets Talk Freight in Ohio n Ohio DOT, Division of Planning is engaged in the study of Freight Impacts on the Transportation System. n Ohio has contracted with Cambridge Systematics and purchased Reebie Associates Transearch Data. n Ohio is conducting corridor studies with freight movements as a key component.

3 Research Objectives n Provide Ohio DOT with a clear picture of freight movements on Ohio’s macro-highway corridors n Assess the impact that freight movement is having on Ohio’s infrastructure; and n Identify policies and programs to deal with these demands while maintaining Ohio’s strong economic growth

4 Truck Freight Flows, 1998 All Commodities, All Truck Types, Highway Freight Density (in tons) Source: FHWA Multimodal Freight Analysis Framework based on Reebie Associates data.

5 Truck Freight Growth, 1998-2020 Regional Growth Rates and Highway Links with Highest Growth Rates, Freight Density (in tons) West Region 100% South Region 89% Central Region 89% Northeast Region 79% Source: FHWA Multimodal Freight Analysis Framework based on Reebie Associates data.

6 Research Approach n Provide current (2000) and future (2010 and 2020) freight movements and quantities n Assess the major impacts (e.g., pavement conditions, congestion, air quality, etc.) of freight movement n Develop methods – through case studies – that Ohio DOT can use to forecast and assess freight impacts in the future n Integrate this study's products with the statewide model being developed by Ohio DOT's Technical Services Division; and n Identify policies and programs to deal with freight demands on Ohio's transportation system

7 TRANSEARCH Freight Analysis Zones

8 Domestic Truck Freight Flows To/From Ohio All Commodities, All Truck Types, Highway Freight Density (in tons) Source: FHWA Multimodal Freight Analysis Framework based on Reebie Associates data.

9 Preliminary Case Study Findings Presentation Deliverable Proposed Schedule Month 123456789101112 Task 1.Acquisition of Base Freight Data Workshop on Program Data 2.Develop Base Year Truck Table 3.Develop Forecast Truck Volumes Future Truck Volume Presentation 4.Develop Freight Policies Analysis Techniques 5.Application of the Analysis Techniques Subtask 5.1: HERS Case Study Subtask 5.2: I-75 Case Study Subtask 5.3: Northern Ohio Corridor Case Study Subtask 5.4: MORPC Case Study Case Studies Presentation 6.Final Documentation

10 Freight Summit n Objective High-level, one-day strategy session to build a Freight Productivity Program for Ohio High-level, one-day strategy session to build a Freight Productivity Program for Ohio n Topics Current freight movement Current freight movement Future freight movement Future freight movement Freight issues Freight issues Policy and program options Policy and program options

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