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 T. Jeff said, “In the gloomiest moment of the revolutionary war, I never had any (fear) equal to what I feel from this source…We have a wolf by the ears,

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Presentation on theme: " T. Jeff said, “In the gloomiest moment of the revolutionary war, I never had any (fear) equal to what I feel from this source…We have a wolf by the ears,"— Presentation transcript:

1  T. Jeff said, “In the gloomiest moment of the revolutionary war, I never had any (fear) equal to what I feel from this source…We have a wolf by the ears, and we can neither hold him nor safely let him go.”  Identify the “wolf”  What is the meaning behind this quotation?

2  Discuss: What does the following quotation mean? “A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided (A. Lincoln, 16 June 1858.)”  Today, I will be able to explain the various views of slavery in the West and the goals of the Compromise of 1850.  Yesterday, we took the 14.3/14.4 and distributed the chapter 16 reading and homework 16.1  Quiz 16.1/16.2 will be on Tuesday


4 1820: No slavery above 36 30’ Maine free state; Missouri slave state

5  Proposed by David Wilmont, PA  Wilmont was not anti-slavery (an abolitionist)  Wilmont and other northern politicians felt that “slave power” was increasing and the President (Polk) was willing to fight for the interests of slave states.

6 Our country after the War with Mexico (Mexican Cession)

7  Cali enters as a free state  Mexican Cession territory is divided into Utah and New Mexico territories, slavery would be decided by popular sovereignty.  Slave trade is ended in D.C.  Enacted a strict “Fugitive Slave law”  Settled the border dispute between Texas and New Mexico.

8  People in the state or territory will decide whether they would be a free or slave state/territory. This would be decided by popular vote.

9  Required all citizens to assist and capturing slaves or face jail/fine.  Judges received $10 for sending an accused runaway to the South and only $5 if they were set free.  This agitated many northerners because now they felt as though they were part of the slave system.

10 Compromise of 1850: California was admitted as a free state; Utah and New Mexico would get to exercise popular sovereignty; Slavery in D.C. is outlawed; a strict fugitive slave act was passed to make the South happy.

11 Kansas/Nebraska Act: Nebraska split into 2 territories: Both territories would exercise popular sovereignty

12  You need to turn in 16.1 now, or shut up!  You also need to complete 16.2, or shut up!  I will not accept any questions; failure to comply will result in a class wide punishment.

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