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Successful Operational Plans CAS Assessment R. Thomas, Ph.D.

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1 Successful Operational Plans CAS Assessment R. Thomas, Ph.D.

2 Successful OPARs The Operational Plan and Assessment Report (OPAR) gives information about each department or division’s achievement of their goals. Together, the reports demonstrate the University’s progress in achieving the goals of the Strategic Plan.

3 Successful OPARs Ask: Is there any evidence that we reflected on the data collected? Is there any evidence that we used the results to improve?

4 Successful OPARs Include: Measurable goals that are aligned with the FSU mission statement and the Strategic Plan. Goals that are stated in broad or vague terms (such as commitment to lifelong learning) may be difficult and time-consuming to assess. Statements should be specific and quantifiable.

5 Successful OPARs Include: Each department should have at least one goal pertaining to student learning (It should be Item 1). It will provide evidence of student learning in the degree program areas. This can be accomplished by attaching program assessment reports to the OPAR. The program assessment reports share the faculty’s data-based efforts to continuously improve student learning.

6 Successful OPARs Include: Each department should have at least one goal related to the improvement of retention and graduation rates. Matrix or Sustainability Map – This is a matrix that shows when certain outcomes are measured (yearly, biannually, etc.). It ensures that there is a plan for the timely measurement of all goals. The Matrix should appear under Item 1: Student Learning.

7 Matrix or Sustainability Map Measurement of goals can be staggered. Outcomes2009 – 20102010 – 20112011 – 2012 FallSpringFallSpringFallSpring Goal 1XXX Goal 2XXXXXX Goal 3XXX

8 Helpful Hints OPARs should be SMART: S – Specific outcomes identified M – Measurable outcomes that can be quantified or assessed A – Actions to be taken are well defined R – Reasonable actions or measures are used in the plan T – Timely actions are utilized

9 Helpful Hints Measurement instruments may include: – Assessments of critical thinking – NSSE – Advising Data – Rubrics related to student learning – Exit exams – Other quantifiable data

10 Helpful Hints Consistency should be evident in the OPARs from one semester to the next. – Measurement instruments should remain consistent to facilitate comparison. If the instrument used in one semester is different than the next, it becomes difficult to compare student growth. The goals should be numbered in the same manner, allowing a reviewer to find the information easily.

11 Thank You! Thank you very much for your efforts to improve student learning! Please let us know how this process can be improved! What would make it easier, more accessible, etc.? Contact Rollinda Thomas:

12 Image Credits Lyons Science Building 2 and Continuing Education Building 2 - us/campus.htm us/campus.htm FSU Catalogs - Fayetteville State University Logo – Fayetteville State University Logo – FSU Bronco - FSU Seal -

13 Image Credits FSU Bronco 2 - Standardized Test with Pencil – Anger on My Mind - 0/04/free-anger-management-assessment-3/ 0/04/free-anger-management-assessment-3/ Magnifying Glass, Ask Bristol - ideas-of-what-the-council-should-investigate- through-scrutiny/ ideas-of-what-the-council-should-investigate- through-scrutiny/

14 Image Credits Best File Folders – Fisher Rock, Talent Assessment - http://www.fisher-

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