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WAR!!! Revolutionary Style Warm Up Questions What would you sacrifice to win freedom? Do you come from a country where this happened? Explain. What sacrifices.

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Presentation on theme: "WAR!!! Revolutionary Style Warm Up Questions What would you sacrifice to win freedom? Do you come from a country where this happened? Explain. What sacrifices."— Presentation transcript:


2 WAR!!! Revolutionary Style

3 Warm Up Questions What would you sacrifice to win freedom? Do you come from a country where this happened? Explain. What sacrifices (besides death) do soldiers make during wartime? Civilians? If you were George Washington, what is your biggest fear regarding the war? If you were king/queen of a country, would you help the Americans? Why or why not? Explain.

4 Struggle for Middle States After Boston, Washington marched his troops to New York City If Britain controlled New York City and the Hudson, they would split the nation in two General Howe landed in New York harbor 32,000 well-equipped men A powerful navy

5 Battle of New York Washington moved his men south to meet the British Howe crossed from Staten Island to Long Island Howe outflanked and defeated Washington’s army easily Could have continued and wiped out Washington’s army But he hesitated--should I conquer or should I make peace? His hesitation allowed Washington to retreat to Manhattan Through the cover of fog Howe could have used his navy to block Washington’s retreat Decided to attack NYC Washington retreated to NJ and eventually PA

6 Battle of New York

7 Battlefield


9 Results Howe’s campaign brought to light an American weakness Lack of military experience: soldiers and their General Washington was showing his inexperience Put his men in terrible danger Also showed British weaknesses as well The army was ill directed and inefficient

10 Battle of Trenton Howe posted men at Trenton, and Princeton-- strategic points Hessian soldiers Washington decided to attack them Went across the Delaware River, and attacked during a sleet storm-- Dec 25, 1776 with 2400 men Used the storm as cover Defeated the Hessians who were taken by surprise 900 men surrendered Victory gave a boost to American morale Went on to win a battle at Princeton

11 Battle of Trenton

12 Map of Trenton


14 What’s wrong with the picture? Painted by Emanuel Leutze in 1851 The water and ice The boat The flag--not the Grand Union Flag The time of day George Washington Why do artists take liberties with their interpretations of past events?

15 Grand Union Flag--1775


17 Another Original Flag--1775


19 British Strategy Cut off New England from other states: Why? 3 armies to meet at Albany, New York General Burgoyne come from Canada Lt. Colonel Barry St. Leger from Lake Ontario-- Fort Oswego General Howe from New York City Good Plan, BUT…. Problems with the application of the strategy Generals did not work well Problems with Burgoyne

20 General Burgoyne

21 Lt. Colonel St. Leger

22 General Howe

23 Problems with the Plan Burgoyne left June 1777--captured Fort Ticonderoga Burgoyne, “Gentleman Johnny” marched too slowly from Canada Carried useless artillery, 30 carts full of his wardrobe and champagne, and his mistress Got stuck in the dense woods north of Saratoga--and marshlands Patriot forces helped his slow march Cut down trees across trails Took 4 weeks to reach the Hudson River

24 Problems cont.. St. Leger was slow as well Did not leave Fort Oswego until July 26 Stopped to seize a fort from the Patriots This allowed Benedict Arnold time Arnold marched his troops from the battle, and encountered Burgoyne Forced him back to Fort Oswego

25 Problems cont… Howe was just doing his own thing Wasted time tracking down Washington in NJ Washington sent men to aid in fighting Burgoyne Howe continued south and attacked Philadelphia Defeated Washington handily at the Battle of Brandywine Taught him a lesson in tactics BUT..Washington bought time to get people out of Philly Now late September, and Burgoyne was in trouble near Saratoga

26 Howe and Washington


28 Battle of Saratoga American forces led by Horatio Gates and Benedict Arnold Built huge fortified defenses south of Saratoga Burgoyne struck at these defenses Was defeated both times and suffered heavy losses More and more militia joined the fight each day Burgoyne was pinned down--bullets flying at his men, non-stop, from every direction Burgoyne surrendered October 17, 1777 5,700 British soldiers captured

29 Saratoga Map

30 Saratoga Woods

31 Burgoyne Surrenders

32 Aftermath of Saratoga Horatio Gates called “hero of Saratoga” Not Arnold, yet again Grumblings in Congress Washington not winning Gates just won a HUGE victory Should we replace him?? This triumph changed the course of the War France, now recognized the United States Immediately sent troops and $$$$$ Signed a treaty of alliance

33 Aftermath cont… Spain also helped out--they just wanted to hurt Great Britain By 1778, this was a world war!! France is fighting England in America and in Europe Britain sent Royal peace commissioners Advised to give in on all issues that agitated the colonies Colonies rejected these proposals After the loss at Brandywine, Washington wintered at Valley Forge

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