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Dx Southern Region 2010 EPP Exercise Summary. Southern Region 2010 EPP Exercise Summary Intent: The intention is to test the state of readiness of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Dx Southern Region 2010 EPP Exercise Summary. Southern Region 2010 EPP Exercise Summary Intent: The intention is to test the state of readiness of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dx Southern Region 2010 EPP Exercise Summary

2 Southern Region 2010 EPP Exercise Summary Intent: The intention is to test the state of readiness of the staff and the respective centres to a situation that does not create an immediate impact, but threatens to do so within a short time from the onset of the situation. Key factors assessed The ability to quantify the risk. The escalation process. The ability to take a major decision based on the quantification of the risk. Thinking out the box. Communication strategies when we have a pending crisis. Engineering ability to manipulate systems to prevent loadshedding. Foresight. Inter-utility communication and support. Centres involved: Southern Region RJCC (East London) Southern Region RJCC (Port Elizabeth) Situational Awareness Centre. Uitenhage JOC Nelson Mandela Metro RJCC. Eastern Cape Provincial JOC Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium VOC. Date and Time of simulation: 4 March 2010 at 06h30 Simulation Trigger: Buchholz alarm on 400/132kV (500MVA) transformer 2 at Grassridge. This transformer has been generating some gas ever since it was overloaded when TRFR 4 was taken out of service for 400kV bushing turret repairs in 2008. Thus TRFR 2 has been on the Tx radar…

3 Southern Region 2010 EPP Exercise Findings and Actions Positive Findings: Dedisa – Coega Main 132 kV emergency commissioning could have been done in 1.5 hours. This would have treated the gassing Trf risk. Nelson Mandela Bay Metro staff could have started their 40MW generator even when the usual operators were unavailable Both Eskom and Metro staff operated effectively although key staff that were removed from the simulation. All interruptible load outside the Metro was considered to shed if the gassing Trf were to trip. This would have prevented load shedding in the City. The Metro would have also shed 32MW with their geyser control. Action Items 1)Shift staff wanted to handover in the middle of a pending emergency NMC manager to address with staff 2)Tx Server at Old Mutual building was off-line. Hard copy EPP’s were not available. Only a very old Y2K EPP was. Tx and Dx to have current EPP’s available in hard copy. 3)Some staff and emergency services telephone numbers were out dated. EPP house keeping to improve 4)Tx Engineering assistant decided to OIE the 500MVA Trf although it was only gassing. Procedure to be re-visited with all EA’s 5)The eventual state of the gassing 500 MVA Trf was unclear. OIE, in service or tripped but not OIE. This was due to possible EA’s misinterpretation of the EPP Exercise. 6)An initial communication statement was made and sent to GM, REM, CSAM and RJCC Chair for comment. Possible “Load Shedding” was mentioned. This was not an option to be considered at the simulated time. Will be addressed with Communication staff

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