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12/19/11 VISION: Zero waste and optimized materials management GOALS: Eliminate practices that produce waste wherever possible Minimize use of virgin materials,

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Presentation on theme: "12/19/11 VISION: Zero waste and optimized materials management GOALS: Eliminate practices that produce waste wherever possible Minimize use of virgin materials,"— Presentation transcript:

1 12/19/11 VISION: Zero waste and optimized materials management GOALS: Eliminate practices that produce waste wherever possible Minimize use of virgin materials, & minimize toxic chemicals in new products purchased Optimize material reuse & salvage, & encourage use of regionally manufactured products or parts Where opportunities for waste prevention are limited, maximize use of products made with recycled content Capture greatest residual value of organic wastes (including food) through energy recovery and/or composting 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MATERIALS MANAGEMENT

2 Gateway Materials Generation Materials Generation By Land Use Per Customer (residential only) Generated – 2,426 lbs Recovered – 1,179 lbs Disposed – 1,247 lbs City Goal: 75% Recovery by 2015 (residential and commercial) Sources: California Department of Resources, Recycling & Recovery City of Portland, Bureau of Planning and Sustainability Baseline Recycling & Recovery

3 Aggregate Composition of Disposed Materials Including Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Construction/Demolition, Oregon Inerts 4% Source: OR DEQ (2005) Recycling & Recovery

4 12/19/11 Baseline Metric Goal Target materials recovery 100% materials recovery 2025: 80% materials recovery 2015: 75% materials recovery 67% materials recovery TARGETS : Waste recovery rates City of Portland Recovery Goal is 75% by 2015 It is anticipated that the food scrap composting program will increase the recovery rate by 2-3%

5 food scrap recovery 100% recovery 2020: 50% recovery Baseline Metric Goal Target 2015: 30% recovery COMPOSTABLES/ORGANICS RECOVERY RATE 3% recovery 2030: 80% recovery Target TARGETS : Food scrap recovery rate The City of Portland’s goal is to divert at least 40-60% of the 37,000 tons of food scraps sent to the landfill each year. It is anticipated that the food scrap composting program will increase the recovery rate by 2-3%. Metro’s current food scrap recovery rate is about 3% (2008)

6 1 can / mo. pick-up 100% Enrollment 2020: 20% enrollment Baseline Metric Goal Target 2015: 15% enrollment 9% enrollment 2030: 30% enrollment Target TARGETS : Waste disposed Source: City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability. Based on 2011 enrollment through the city’s largest waste hauler Waste Management. (not recovered)

7 Recology Oregon Material Recovery Sunset Garbage Collection Inc. Frank Marks Recycling Light Truck Sales, Inc. Northwest Shingle Recyclers Junk Pirates

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