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SUATAINABLE WASTE MANAGEMENT NATIONAL PERSPECTIVE Joburg Waste Summit 24 March 2015 Mamosa Afrika Chemicals and Waste Management.

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Presentation on theme: "SUATAINABLE WASTE MANAGEMENT NATIONAL PERSPECTIVE Joburg Waste Summit 24 March 2015 Mamosa Afrika Chemicals and Waste Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUATAINABLE WASTE MANAGEMENT NATIONAL PERSPECTIVE Joburg Waste Summit 24 March 2015 Mamosa Afrika Chemicals and Waste Management

2 Presentation Outline Background Challenges National Waste Management Strategy Industry Waste Management Plans

3 Background 1999 National Waste Management Strategy 2000 Integrated Pollution and Waste Management Policy 2001 Polokwane Declaration 2008 Waste Act 2012 National Waste Management Strategy

4 Challenges A growing population and economy, which means increased volumes of waste generated. Increased complexity of waste streams. Lack of reliable waste data. Lack of recycling infrastructure.

5 Challenges Growing pressure on outdated waste management infrastructure, with declining levels of capital investment and maintenance. Under-pricing of waste services. Waste Disposal is still the most common waste management option

6 Challenges Stats SA, 2011

7 Challenges Stats SA, 2014

8 National Waste Management Strategy, 2012 NWMS Goal 1: Promote waste minimisation, re-use, recycling and recovery of waste Goal 8: Establish effective compliance with and enforcement of the Waste Act. Goal 7: Provide measures to remediate contaminated land Goal 6: Ensure sound budgeting and financial management for waste services Goal 5: Achieve integrated waste management planning Goal 4: Ensure that people are aware of the impact of waste on their health, well- being and the environment Goal 3: Grow the contribution of the waste sector to the green economy Goal 2: Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of waste services

9 Goal 1: Promote waste minimisation, re-use, recycling and recovery of waste 2016 Target 25% of recyclables diverted from landfill Achievement of recycling targets set in IndWMPs. All metropolitan municipalities, secondary cities and large towns have initiated separation at source National Waste Management Strategy, 2012

10 Part 7 of the Waste Act Based on the Extended Producer Responsibility Industry Waste Management Plans Sound Environmental Management (Waste Hierarchy) Empowerment of previously disadvantaged individuals Job Creation and SMME development Information Management

11 Industry Waste Management Plans IndWMP for waste tyres approved in Nov 2012. Additional IndWMPs to be considered: – Paper and Packaging – E-Waste – Lighting

12 Industry Waste Management Plans Minister calls a sector to prepare and submit an IndWMP Preparation (s28) Sound environmental management Information management Socio-economic considerations Contents of IndWMPs (s30) Approve the plan Require additional information Require amendments Reject the plan with reasons Consideration of IndWMPs (s32)

13 Mamosa Afrika Tel: 012 – 399 9814

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