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SCHOLARLINESS. What does it mean to be scholarly? Having Characteristics of a scholar Related to academic study or research What are characteristics?

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Presentation on theme: "SCHOLARLINESS. What does it mean to be scholarly? Having Characteristics of a scholar Related to academic study or research What are characteristics?"— Presentation transcript:


2 What does it mean to be scholarly? Having Characteristics of a scholar Related to academic study or research What are characteristics?

3 Character Traits Curiosity Academic Humility Set Goals Be Prepared Ponder Ideas Professionalism Multiple Resources Save Ideas Exercise Intellect Take Risks Multiple Perspectives

4 Pondering I spend time pondering, or thinking about ideas and problems.

5 Pondering Definition: Spending time thinking about ideas and problems Examples: How does this impact what I already know? How can I use this information?

6 Academic Humility I consider myself to be “half full” : I have more to learn.

7 Academic Humility Definition: You always have something more to learn Example: You will always learn something new. Glass Half Full

8 Goal Setting I have both long and short-term goals for myself.

9 Goal Setting Definition: Set long term and short term goals for yourself. Examples: Break your assignment into chunks Work on big assignments a little bit each night

10 Be Prepared I come to school prepared to learn with all my tools.

11 Be Prepared Definition: Coming to school with all of the materials needed to learn. Examples: Writing Utensils, Paper, Completed Homework, books and binders necessary for each class. Always having something to work on.

12 Multiple Resources I use a variety of resources.

13 Multiple Resources Definition: Finding information from a variety of sources. Examples: Books, encyclopedias, internet sources, videos, movies, etc. Primary and Secondary Sources

14 Curiosity I ask thoughtful questions.

15 Curiosity Definition: Asking questions about what you are learning. Examples: Asking questions that add meaning to what you are learning.

16 Save Ideas I save ideas and unfinished work so that I can come back to them later.

17 Save Ideas Definition: Keep track of all of your work Examples: Save all typed information to a flash drive, Google drive or computer. Keep all papers that are returned to you.

18 Multiple Perspectives I view ideas and problems from many different perspective s.

19 Multiple Perspectives Definition: Looking at things from various points of view and through different lenses. Examples: How would different group of people look at an issue? Teacher v. Student, Parent v. Child

20 Professionalism I shoot for the stars by doing the most professional work possible.

21 Professionalism Definition: All work is completed and meets the standards set by the teacher. All work is turned in on time. Examples: Papers, homework, quizzes etc. All work is typed or handwritten in blue or black ink.

22 Exercise Intellect I exercise my intellect by attempting challenging tasks.

23 Exercise Intellect Definition: Not taking the easy way out. Example: Always choose the more challenging task. Strive to achieve the best grades.

24 Take Risks I take intellectual risks by, “Thinking outside of the box”.

25 Take Risks Definition: Going outside of your comfort zone to try something new. Example: Go above and beyond what the teacher requires. If you have a different idea for a project or assignment ask the teacher about it.

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