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Chemistry 111 Concept Maps (Chapter 1, 2) June 30, 2004.

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1 Chemistry 111 Concept Maps (Chapter 1, 2) June 30, 2004

2 Concept Mapping Example: Household Waste The end map from this example is in your worksheet. Steps: 1.Select the concepts. 2.Cluster the concepts 3.Position Superordinate Term and Begin Linking Concepts 4.Finish Mapping in All Concepts

3 Step 1: Select the concepts. This comes from an environmental science textbook. We read the chapter and came up with a list of concepts. household waste paper drinking water yard waste solvents food landfills compost non-food recycling incinerators economic incentives

4 Step 2: Cluster the concepts We now group the concepts where we think they should go… Somewhat inclusive –a small grouping Most inclusive –bigger grouping Superordinate –top-level grouping incinerators economic incentives solvents food landfills recycling household waste paper drinking water yard waste compost non-food

5 Step 2: Cluster the concepts You now proceed to rank or cluster the remainder of your 12 concepts from "most inclusive/general" to "least inclusive/most specific." incinerators economic incentives solvents food landfills compost recycling Household Waste paper drinking water yard waste non-food

6 Step 3: Position Superordinate Term and Begin Linking Concepts incinerators economic incentives solvents food landfills compost recycling Household Waste paper drinking water yard waste non-food can be

7 Finish Mapping in All Concepts Keep working at it, eventually you’ll get a finished map. Note: –The real goal is to spend time discussing the material. –Concept mapping helps you see the relationships between different sections.

8 A few more things… Today is our whole coverage of Chapter 2 –make sure you look at conservation laws, electrical nature of matter (opposites attract, like repels). Words / Definitions (chopped off on handout): –element, products, distillation, –physical property, microscopic Make sure you discuss the relationship between the terms / concepts! Make sure everyone understands. Try to finish it up today! Bring your calculator for tomorrow!

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