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Grammar Review : Pronoun Unit— Who/Whom??. Who/Whom  (Who, Whom) did Jamie photograph for this month's issue?

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar Review : Pronoun Unit— Who/Whom??. Who/Whom  (Who, Whom) did Jamie photograph for this month's issue?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar Review : Pronoun Unit— Who/Whom??

2 Who/Whom  (Who, Whom) did Jamie photograph for this month's issue?

3  Answer: Whom

4  (Who, Whom) develops the film?

5  Answer: Who

6  (Who, Whom) called a meeting for this morning?

7  Answer: Who

8  (Who, Whom) have you told about the meeting?

9  Answer: Whom

10  (Who, Whom) has a good idea for next month's issue?

11  Answer: Who

12  In that book, (who, whom) is the main character?

13  Answer: Who

14  (Who, Whom) does Paul like the best in that movie?

15  Answer: Whom

16  (Who, Whom) should I ask to the dance?

17  Answer: Whom

18  (Who, Whom) did Peter meet at the airport?

19  Answer: Whom

20  To (who, whom) did Gina give the award?

21  Answer: Whom

22 Indefinite Pronouns

23 Always Singular  Another, Anyone, Anybody, Anything, Everyone, Everybody, Everything, Nothing, Each, Either No One, Neither, Nobody, One, Someone, Somebody, Something

24 Always Plural  Both, Few, Many, Several

25 Singular or Plural  All, Most, None, Some

26  A few of the researchers felt that (he or she, they) had discovered a marketable antiviral medicine to cure the common cold.   

27  Answer: they

28  Neither of the managers planned to keep (his or her, their) inventory in order. 

29  Answer: his or her

30  Most of the executives expect modest gains for (his or her, their) firms. 

31  Answer: their

32  Some of the income will find (its, their) way into the accounts of other companies. 

33  Answer: their

34  None of the organic farmers felt that an increase in consumer interest would threaten (his or her, their) profitability.

35  Answer: his/her

36  1. Few of today’s teenagers are loyal to one brand of clothing even though he or she may prefer one brand to another.   2. Only one of the managers who gathered at the Ocean City convention expects to pay their expenses. 

37  3. All of this new market stability owes its strength to a few courageous investors.   4. Anyone can make a good impression on their prospective employer.   5. Many of the firms have asked their executives to recruit at local colleges.

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