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The Fear Place Theme Concept: Daring determined people who meet challenging goals.

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2 The Fear Place Theme Concept: Daring determined people who meet challenging goals.

3 The Fear Place 182A ►G►G►G►Genre: Realistic Fiction : Realistic characters and events come to life in a fictional plot. ►T►T►T►The Selection Summary: ►D►D►D►Despite his fear, Doug Grillo must cross a terrifying mountain ledge to save his injured brother.

4 The Fear Place 182K Background ► Remember this theme is about people who give their best to achieve their goals. ► We just read a story about of a boy who attempts to succeed as a performer under difficult circumstances. ► We are going to read about a boy who must overcome his fear in order to help his brother. ► What are some things that frighten you? ► What are some ways that people deal with their fear? ► 182-183

5 Vocabulary 183A ►T►T►T►T rrrr aaaa nnnn ssss pppp aaaa rrrr eeee nnnn cccc yyyy 2 2 2 2 ---- 1111 6666 ►P►P►P►P rrrr aaaa cccc tttt iiii cccc eeee b b b b oooo oooo kkkk 9 9 9 9 8888 ►c►c►c►cautious: careful ►c►c►c►concentrate: give one’s full attention to ►d►d►d►discomfort: feeling of uneasiness ►d►d►d►dismayed: troubled, distressed ►e►e►e►excitement: a state of activity or agitation

6 Vocabulary (cont) 183A ► immobile: unable to move ► stamina: the power to resist fatigue ► terrified: frightened ► unsure: not certain

7 Vocabulary Link ► rafting: traveling on a boat made of rubber ► rapids: a place in a river where the river flows very fast ► churning: moving around forcefully ► hazardous: full of danger ► excursions: trips taken for fun

8 Phonics and Decoding 183A ► What are our Phonics and Decoding Skills? ► They are: look carefully, chunking, blending,affixes, vowel sounds, beginning, and ending, syllables, words you know, word parts, root words, base words.

9 Phonics and Decoding ► Now the low, twisted trees gave way to rock entirely, and the span had narrowed to the point that Doug could see the gorge below almost continuously. ► Help me decode this word.

10 Phonics

11 Reading Strategy:183B Predict/Infer ► Look at the title, introduction, and illustrations before you read the selection. What can you infer about Doug? What do you predict will happen? ► To make a good prediction or inference, think of what might happen based on clues in the story and personal information.


13 Predict/Infer Look at the title and pictures to help make your predictions.

14 Making Inferences 191 ► Writers intentionally leave some information out of a story to make reading more fun. ► Sometimes readers must read “between the lines” in order to understand story events. ► Personal knowledge and story clues can help readers understand things that are not directly stated in the story.

15 Comprehension Skill 183C Predicting Outcomes ► As you read you will try to combine story clues and your knowledge to anticipate what Doug would do under different circumstances. ► Remember to use your own knowledge to confirm or revise your predictions. You can come up with new predictions as you read on. ► Transparency 2-17 Transparency 2-17 Transparency 2-17 ► Practice book 99 Practice book 99 Practice book 99 ►

16 Parts of a Book and Index 207C ► The title page is usually the first page. It shows the names of the author, illustrator, and publisher. ► The copyright page is usually on the reverse side of the title page. It tells when the book was published and whether it has been revised. ► ► The table of contents follows the copyright page. It lists the chapters of the book and indicates the page number on which each chapter begins. ► A glossary may appear at the back of some books. It provides definitions for important words that appear in the book. ► The index is located at the end of the book. It is an alphabetical list of topics covered in the book, along with the exact page numbers on which the info. about each topic is found.

17 Suffixes Suffixes are word parts added to the end of a base word and will change the meaning of the word.

18 Decoding Longer Words 207E Suffix -ous ► Doug feared that turning sideways might be more dangerous than walking straight. ► The –ous in dangerous is a common suffix ► A suffix is a word part that comes after a base or root and changes its meaning. ► Recognizing suffixes makes it easier to identify the base word or root. ► The base word here is danger, when adding – ous the meaning becomes “full of danger” ► Ex. envious, ridiculous ► Practice book 103 Practice book 103 Practice book 103

19 Decoding Longer Words 207E Suffix -ward ► There was nothing separating him from the edge of the cliff and a plunge downward. ► The suffix -ward adds to a base word the meaning “in a certain direction.” ► ex. homeward, earthward ► With each upward step, the small trees retreated from the landscape. ► I see the familiar word up and the suffix –ward. When I blend these two together, I get upward. ► Practice book 103 Practice book 103 Practice book 103

20 Phonics 207F The /or/, /ar/ and /ar/ ►R►R►R►Recognizing the letters that can stand for the or, ar, and ar can help them to decode unfamiliar words ►L►L►L►Letters or, oar, and ore can stand for the or sound ex. store ►L►L►L►Letters are and air can stand for the ar sound ex. fair ►L►L►L►Letters ar can stand for the ar sound ex. scar

21 Phonics (cont)207F /or/. /ar/, and /ar/ sounds ► You scared me half to death! ► I see the letters s-c-a-r at the beginning of this word. What do they stand for? I will try both ways and see what sounds correct. ► Tell me what letters stand for the /or/, /ar/ or /ar/ ► forever, particularly, staircase, bordering, carefully, and roaring

22 Spelling 207F The /or/, /ar/, and /ar/ ► What are the vowel + r sounds in these words. ► Say these words: torch and soar ► or and oar, and ore are three spelling patterns for the /or/ sounds. ► Say these words: hare and flair ► are and air are for the /ar/ sound ► Say this word: scar ► ar is for the /ar/ sound ► Practice book 104 Practice book 104 Practice book 104

23 Spelling207G Vocabulary ►M►M►M►Making inferences: ►A►A►A►A bear might spend the winter in one. ►l►l►l►lair ►P►P►P►Planes and birds can do this. ►s►s►s►soar ►T►T►T►This word describes something there are few of. ►r►r►r►rare ►E►E►E►Exercise can make your muscles feel this way ►s►s►s►sore ►P►P►P►P rrrr aaaa cccc tttt iiii cccc eeee b b b b oooo oooo kkkk 1 1 1 1 0000 5555

24 Vocabulary Skills 207I Homophones ► Homophones are words that sound alike but have different meaning. ► Can anyone think of any other homophones? ► Practice book 107 Practice book 107 Practice book 107 ► Transparency 2-19 Transparency 2-19 Transparency 2-19

25 Vocabulary Skills 207I Homophones

26 Grammar Skills 207K Main Verbs and Helping Verbs ► The verb, or simple predicate, in a sentence can be more than one word. ► Pick the simple predicate in each sentence. ► Remember: a verb may be more than one word. ► The main verb is the most important word ► The helping verb comes before the main verb. ► Practice book 108 Transparency 2-21 Practice book 108 Transparency 2-21 Practice book 108 Transparency 2-21

27 Grammar Skills 207K Main Verbs and Helping Verbs

28 Grammar Skills207K Linking Verbs ► Help me identify the linking verbs. ► A linking verb joins the subject to a word in the predicate that names or describes the subject. It doesn’t show action ► Is, am, were, are, was, seem, will be, appear, taste, feel, smell, and look ► A predicate noun follows a linking verb and names the subject. ► A predicate adjective follows a linking verb and describes the subject ► Practice book 109 Transparency 2-22 Practice book 109 Transparency 2-22 Practice book 109 Transparency 2-22 ►`►`►`►` ►

29 Grammar 207L Improve Your Writing ► Good writers are careful to use the correct forms of be when writing sentences with linking verbs. ► Incorrect: My cousins was afraid of our dog. ► Correct: My cousins were afraid of our dog. ► Practice book 110 Practice book 110 Practice book 110

30 Improving Your Writing 207N Combining Sentences with Helping Verbs ► One way to strengthen the impact of your writing is to combine sentences that repeat the same helping verbs into a single brief sentence. ► Transparency 2-24 Transparency 2-24 Transparency 2-24 ► Practice book 112 Practice book 112 Practice book 112

31 Combine Sentences Complex Sentences Compound Complex Sentences Compound Sentences

32 Comprehension Skills: 207Q Cause and Effect ►A►A►A►A cause is the reason something happened; the effect is what happened. ►A►A►A►A cause can have multiple effects, even if the effects aren’t clearly numbered or ordered. ►C►C►C►Clue words such as because, since, when, and as result can signal causes and effects.

33 Spelling Test ► 1. hare ► 2. scar ► 3. torch ► 4. soar ► 5. harsh ► 6. sore ► 7. lord ► 8. flair ► 9. warn ► 10. floor ► 11. tore ► 12. lair ► 13. snare ► 14. carve ► 15. bore ► 16. fare ► 17. gorge ► 18. barge ► 19. flare ► 20. rare

34 Challenge Words ► ► folklore ► ► unicorn ► ► ordinary ► ► marvelous ► ► hoard

35 Study Guide ► Predict & Infer ► Parts of a book ► Suffixes ► ar and or sounds ► Homophones ► Main verbs and helping verbs ► Linking verbs ► Combining sentences

36 United Streaming Videos ► Predict and infer ► Or, ar, ar sounds ► Homophones ► Helping and main verbs ► Linking verbs ► Combining sentences ► Cause and Effect

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