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Miss Gordon and Mrs Murray 2015-2016. Our Expectations  Now that the pupils are in Primary 7 and 6, there will be an expectation of all children to respect.

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Gordon and Mrs Murray 2015-2016. Our Expectations  Now that the pupils are in Primary 7 and 6, there will be an expectation of all children to respect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Gordon and Mrs Murray 2015-2016

2 Our Expectations  Now that the pupils are in Primary 7 and 6, there will be an expectation of all children to respect the environment in which they are learning and respect other people’s belongings.  We expect good behaviour and good manners, demonstrating our school values at all times.  We ask the children to try their best at all times, working neatly and productively.

3 How you can help? Please support your children in preparing for school each day, your child should bring:  a sharp pencil  a rubber  reading and library books  a P.E kit on Monday and Tuesday (including jogging bottoms for outdoor PE)  a water bottle

4 Homework Your child will have a minimum of two pieces of homework each week. We would appreciate if all homework could be signed.  Spelling – Spelling homework is set on a Monday and should be handed in by Friday. Pupils are tested on Friday. Words are taken from the Single Word Spelling Test scheme. –  Reading – Reading homework will be given on a Monday and should be handed in the following Monday.  Maths – Group Maths homework will be given on a Wednesday and should be handed in the following Wednesday.  Other homework relating to IDL and other Curricular areas will be given throughout the year

5 Reading  This term, your child will take part in Literacy Circles weekly. Pupils will be encouraged to set their own reading pages. After the October break, we will use Reading Routes as a reading resource. Maths  This year, we will be grouping for maths and homework will be set as required by your child’s maths teacher. Other Curricular Areas  Work will be set in other areas if relevant.

6 Specialist Teachers We will also have lessons throughout the year from:  Mrs Mitchell – P.E.  Mrs Redmond- Internet Safety Support for Learning  Mrs Kellner will provide extra support.

7  Getting to know you tasks  Community building  Team work  Established grouping  Community Contract – class values  Electing House Captain/Vice

8 Japan - focus on Literacy, Social Studies and Expressive Arts Maths- new groupings- the four operations, number processes, money, 2D and 3D shape and mental maths Literacy- Literacy Circles, writing for a variety of genres linked to Japan, spelling, handwriting and grammar, critical literacy RME- Buddhism and its link to Japan P.E- Basketball and Athletics Expressive Arts- linked to Japan topic Technologies- linked to the Japan topic MFL- French- words, phrases and short role plays; Spanish - basic introduction

9 Living the Values, Class Dojo, and Free Time Friday  The whole school is focusing on Living the Values which include being Inclusive, Friendly, Responsible, Respectful, Successful, and Enthusiastic. Each month we will be focusing on a particular value and children will be encouraged to nominate peers who demonstrate this value. This month we will be focusing on the value Friendly.  Class Dojos - pupils are rewarded for demonstrating the school values and showing good behaviour. Children will also have Free Time Friday for 30 minutes. This, along with the Class Dojo system, Star Pupil certificates and Living the Values rewards good behaviour.

10  Class Dojo is an online behaviour system. Children can earn points for demonstrating the school values. The Top Scorer each week will be added to a draw and each term there will be a winner drawn for each House. The points will be added to their House and each term the winning house will negotiate a reward.


12  Free Time Friday– if lost – record kept and children reflect on what they can do to improve their behaviour. Record sheet sent home for parents to sign  School Behaviour Policy- warning given, loss of Free Time Friday, move to another class, senior management.

13 Primary 6 responsibilites  Milk Distribution Team  Lunch Bunch Groups  Librarians  Class job which will be rotated on a weekly basis Primary 7 responsibilities  Buddying  Responsible roles – playful pals, safe security and Magical Mediator  House Captains and Vice Captains

14  If there is anything you would like to discuss further, please feel free to contact us through the school office.

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