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Topologies and Squeezing GWADW Tue-We, May 19-20 Organizers: Hartmut Grote, Lisa Barsotti LIGO-G1500725 GWADW 2015, Alaska --- May 18, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Topologies and Squeezing GWADW Tue-We, May 19-20 Organizers: Hartmut Grote, Lisa Barsotti LIGO-G1500725 GWADW 2015, Alaska --- May 18, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topologies and Squeezing Workshop @ GWADW Tue-We, May 19-20 Organizers: Hartmut Grote, Lisa Barsotti LIGO-G1500725 GWADW 2015, Alaska --- May 18, 2015 Workshop goals - L. Barsotti

2 Introduction  A lot of ideas proposed/tested to reduce quantum noise, with a variety of levels of “realism”  Squeezing and input filtering (filter cavity) considered the most plausible options for near term upgrade of advanced detectors  see Enhanced Interferometers session this afternoon  This Workshop: where do we go from there?(current facilities and new facilities) 2

3 Goals  Goal #1: (re)establish applicability/readiness of quantum noise mitigation techniques to go beyond advanced detector sensitivity, both in current facilities and new facilities 3

4 Workshop Details  Guidelines for speakers:  Is this topology/technology ready to be used in GW detectors 10-20 years from now?  Is this topology/technology particularly useful for a 10-40 km facility?  Agenda Agenda 4



7 Goals  Goal #1: (re)establish applicability/readiness of quantum noise mitigation techniques to go beyond advanced detector sensitivity, both in current facilities and new facilities  Goal #2: (re)evaluate these options in the broader context of the “science” we want/need to do, and the necessary R&D 7

8 Philosophical Slide  Asking ourselves the right questions is sometimes more important than finding the right answers  “Right” questions (and “right” answers) change over time  What we perceives as “feasible” and “realistic” also changes over time (thanks to experimental results, better models, etc) 8 There is nothing permanent except change - Heraclitus

9 Some examples: near term future “post first-detection” (discussion @“What’s next for LIGO?” workshop)  Shall we revise the option of signal recycling detuning, in the context of having squeezed light, for current detectors? (Not a new question... time to re-look at it?)  Can a combination of squeezed light, signal recycling detuning, and homodyne detection phase be helpful to react to some pressing needs that advanced detectors might face (like: maximize Binary Neutron Star range, maximize high frequency sensitivity in the 1-4 kHz region)? 9 Questions inspired by Rai Weiss: “What’s going on with signal recycling detuning for aLIGO? You can’t just remove it from your slides and pretend no one noticed it…what if we need to track a source at 1 kHz?”

10 Some examples: Topologies for new detectors  Extensive ET design study (2011)  Speed-meter topology identified as the most promising of all techniques for quantum noise reduction (beyond squeezing + filter cavities) to be explored in the R&D phase  R&D indeed on-going!  Recent paper: “We show that Sagnac interferometer has superior potential for broadband sensitivity gain compared to Michelson interferometer for any given set of advanced interferometric techniques [..]”  Shall we re-evaluate this and maybe other topologies in the context of a 10-40 km facility?  round table discussion Wed afternoon 10

11 Some examples: How is the design of future detectors going to be impacted by the first few detections? 11

12 12 What are the “right” questions?  Wiki : supporting material, forum for discussion Wiki

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