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Audio Streamer Exploiting simultaneity for listening Chris Schmandt and Atty Mullins MIT Media Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "Audio Streamer Exploiting simultaneity for listening Chris Schmandt and Atty Mullins MIT Media Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Audio Streamer Exploiting simultaneity for listening Chris Schmandt and Atty Mullins MIT Media Laboratory

2 More productive listening time scaling skipping / skimming (SpeechSkimmer) simultaneous listening “cocktail party effect”

3 Simultaneous listening selective attention cues for interest on secondary channels scenarios: audio “channel surfing” evening news on multiple channels sorting old voice mail

4 Streamer overview 3 simultaneous audio sources localized sound (Beachtron, headphones) head position sensors (Fish) user controls gain (attention) Streamer gives cues for interest (tone, gain)

5 Layout and attention switching 60 60’’

6 Selective attention we can select between simultaneous streams streaming factors: tempo, timbre, pitch, gender, location Streamer enhances interest by four levels of gain gain decays, as does attention

7 Listener attention More activity = greater interest Interest decays with time

8 Monitoring auxiliary channels How much do we hear? Streamer enhances possible points of interest Story boundaries, speaker changes

9 Making suggestions tone plus increased gain decays with time

10 Future work listener evaluation bimodal reactions so far browsing a single recording more interaction techniques auditory “info landscapes”

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