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 The shared ideas and talents of Rotarians  Simple, elegant, classy, and just a few words that describe what the Rotarians are able to do together.

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3  The shared ideas and talents of Rotarians  Simple, elegant, classy, and just a few words that describe what the Rotarians are able to do together  A slogan that gets Rotarians motivated  An expression of what clubs & Rotarians have or would have accomplished for the year  Ideas that combine social artistry.

4  Clubs are encouraged to open the contest to its club members. The author of the club’s entry for the DISCON Theme & Logo, will be entitled to a recognition and a substantial discount from the DISCON 2014 Registration Fee.  Clubs which submit an entry will be entitled to a Certificate supportive of the over-all performance of the club at the end of the Rotary Year.  The Executive Committee assisted by the Board of Advisers shall choose the best five (5) entries from various clubs in the District.  The winning best five (5) will immediately win a prize to be announced by the Executive Committee at the appropriate time.

5  The Winning Best Five (5) Entries will be submitted to a Board of Judges to be constituted by the Executive Committee for the Selection of the Top Entry, the 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th, & 5 th Entries. Accordingly the Top Entry will be proclaimed as the DISCON 2014 THEME & LOGO.  The Rotary Club submitting the Winning Entry will be awarded a prize to be announced by the Executive Committee.  The 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th, & 5 th winning entries, together with the Top Entry will be enshrined in the record of the DISTRICT CONFERENCE 2014.

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