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Protection vs. false targets in series systems Reliability Engineering and System Safety(2009) Kjell Hausken, Gregory Levitin Advisor: Frank,Yeong-Sung.

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Presentation on theme: "Protection vs. false targets in series systems Reliability Engineering and System Safety(2009) Kjell Hausken, Gregory Levitin Advisor: Frank,Yeong-Sung."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protection vs. false targets in series systems Reliability Engineering and System Safety(2009) Kjell Hausken, Gregory Levitin Advisor: Frank,Yeong-Sung Lin Presented by Jia-Ling Pan 2010/3/30 1 NTU IM OPLab

2 Agenda Introduction The model Scenario 1:The attacker attacks one element Scenario 2:The attacker evenly attacks all elements Scenario 3:The attacker evenly attacks a subset of the elements Conclusion 2010/3/30 2 NTU OPLab 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 1

3 Agenda Introduction The model Scenario 1:The attacker attacks one element Scenario 2:The attacker evenly attacks all elements Scenario 3:The attacker evenly attacks a subset of the elements Conclusion 2010/3/30 3 NTU OPLab 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 1

4 Introduction The paper analyses the optimal distribution of the defense resources between protecting the genuine system elements and deploying false elements in a series system which is destroyed when any genuine element is destroyed. False and genuine elements cannot be distinguished by the attacker. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 4

5 Introduction The probability of element destruction in the case of attack is defined as a contest function depending on the ratio of the defender’s and attacker’s effort and on a contest intensity parameter. The dependence of the minmax defense strategy (number of false elements) and the most harmful attack strategy (number of attacked elements) on the amount of resources available to the counterparts, on the number of genuine system elements and on the contest intensity is analyzed 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 5

6 Agenda Introduction The model Scenario 1:The attacker attacks one element Scenario 2:The attacker evenly attacks all elements Scenario 3:The attacker evenly attacks a subset of the elements Conclusion 2010/3/30 6 NTU OPLab 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 1

7 The model 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 7

8 The model The system consists of N genuine elements connected in series. Destruction of any GE causes destruction of the entire system. Defender protects all GEs, and distributes the protection resource among the GEs evenly. The even resource distribution appears to be optimal if the protection effort cost is the same for different GEs. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 8

9 The model The attacker is not able to distinguish GEs and FEs. Both the defender and the attacker have complete information about the structure of the game, the strategy sets, and all parameters, and are fully rational. The defender’s one free-choice variable is the number of false targets H. The attacker’s one free-choice variable is the number of elements to attack Q. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 9

10 The model The defender’s resource is r ▫The resource needed to deploy one FE is x where 0<x<r. ▫If the defender deploys H FEs, the resource remaining for the protection is r-Hx. ▫The maximum number of deployed FEs is H=[r/x]. ▫The defender allocates its protection resource r- Hx evenly among N GEs achieving protection effort t=(r-Hx)/N per element. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 10

11 The model The attacker’s resource is R ▫If the attacker attacks Q elements out of N+H, it achieves the per element effort T Q =R/Q. The vulnerability of any attacked GE is determined by the ratio form of the attacker– defender contest success function. where m ≥ 0, ∂v/∂T > 0 and ∂v/∂t < 0. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 11

12 The model 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 12 When m=0, ▫the efforts t and T Q have equal impact on the vulnerability, regardless of their size which gives 50% vulnerability. When 0<m<1, ▫There is a disproportional advantage of exerting less effort than one’s opponent. When m=1, ▫the vulnerability equals the attacker’s effort divided by the sum of the two agents’ efforts. When m>1, ▫exerting more effort than one’s opponent gives a disproportional advantage.

13 Agenda Introduction The model Scenario 1:The attacker attacks one element Scenario 2:The attacker evenly attacks all elements Scenario 3:The attacker evenly attacks a subset of the elements Conclusion 2010/3/30 13 NTU OPLab 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 1

14 Scenario 1:The attacker attacks one element Attacker has the ability to attack only once against any one of the N+H elements. The probability that the attacked element is a GE is p = N/(N+H). When one element is attacked, Q = 1, 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 14

15 Scenario 1:The attacker attacks one element This paper assume m = 1 first because it is the most natural choice if a choice is to be made, and second because it is usually the easiest case to handle analytically. Although this does not allow generalization to ma1,thepresenceof m in the exponent in (1) shows that, especially when t and TQ have similar sizes, the vulnerability changes moderately as m increases moderately above or below m = 1,and changes more extensively as m approaches infinity or 0. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 15

16 Scenario 1:The attacker attacks one element When m = 1,differentiating V with respect to H and equating the derivative with zero gives the interior solution. The second-order derivative is positive at the interior minimum. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 16

17 Scenario 1:The attacker attacks one element Property 1. ▫When m = 1,at the interior solution the optimal number H of deployed FEs decreases in the deployment cost x, increases in both the defender’s and the attacker’s resource r and R, and in the ratio r/R, increases in the number N of GEs when R>x, and decreases in N when R<x. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 17

18 Scenario 1:The attacker attacks one element Fig. 1. Optimal number H* of deployed FEs and vulnerability V* as functions of r/R for different m, where N =5 and x/R =0.5. The stepwise movement follows since H* can take only integer values 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 18 r/R=5.85

19 Scenario 1:The attacker attacks one element Fig. 2. System vulnerability V as a function of H for various r/R, where m = 3, N = 5, and x/R = 0.5. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 19 r/R=6, V(1)>V(12) r/R=8, V(1)<V(12)

20 Scenario 1:The attacker attacks one element Fig. 3. (r/R)* asafunctionof m, x/R, and N. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 20 m=2

21 Scenario 1:The attacker attacks one element Fig. 4. Optimal H* and V* as functions of N for different values of m, where r/R = 5 and x/R = 0.5. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 21

22 Scenario 1:The attacker attacks one element Fig. 5. System vulnerability V as a function of H for various N when m = 3 and0.7,where r/R = 5 and x/R = 0.5. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 22

23 Scenario 1:The attacker attacks one element Fig. 4. Optimal H* and V* as functions of N for different values of m, where r/R = 5 and x/R = 0.5. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 23

24 Agenda Introduction The model Scenario 1:The attacker attacks one element Scenario 2:The attacker evenly attacks all elements Scenario 3:The attacker evenly attacks a subset of the elements Conclusion 2010/3/30 24 NTU OPLab 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 1

25 Scenario 2:The attacker evenly attacks all elements Attacker attacks all Q = N+H elements evenly distributing its resource among them. The probability that one GE survives is s=1-v. Hence the probability that the system is destroyed is 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 25

26 Scenario 2:The attacker evenly attacks all elements When m = 1,differentiating V with respect to H and equating the derivative with zero gives the interior solution. The second-order derivative is positive at the interior minimum. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 26

27 Scenario 2:The attacker evenly attacks all elements Proposition. ▫The optimal number of false elements H is independent of the contest intensity m when the attacker attacks all elements evenly. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 27

28 Scenario 2:The attacker evenly attacks all elements Property2. ▫When m = 1,the defender always deploys fewer FEs when the attacker attacks all elements evenly compared with attacking only one element. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 28

29 Scenario 2:The attacker evenly attacks all elements Fig. 6. Optimal number of deployed FEs H*, and V*, as functions of r/R, for different m, where N = 5 and x/R = 0.5. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 29

30 Scenario 2:The attacker evenly attacks all elements 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 30 Fig.1 attacker attacks one element Fig.6 attacker evenly attacks all elements

31 Scenario 2:The attacker evenly attacks all elements 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 31 Fig.1 attacker attacks one element Fig.6 attacker evenly attacks all elements

32 Scenario 2:The attacker evenly attacks all elements Fig. 7. Optimal H* and V* as functions of N for different m, where r/R = 5 and x/R = 0.5. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 32

33 Agenda Introduction The model Scenario 1:The attacker attacks one element Scenario 2:The attacker evenly attacks all elements Scenario 3:The attacker evenly attacks a subset of the elements Conclusion 2010/3/30 33 NTU OPLab 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 1

34 Scenario 3:The attacker evenly attacks a subset of the elements Attacker can choose the number of attacked elements that maximizes the system vulnerability. Analyze a two-period minmax game. The defender chooses H in the first period to minimize the maximum vulnerability V that the attacker can inflict in the second period by choosing Q. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 34

35 Scenario 3:The attacker evenly attacks a subset of the elements For any given Q, the number of attacked GEs q among N+H elements can vary from max{0,Q-H} to min{Q,N}. The probability that exactly q GEs are attacked is 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 35

36 Scenario 3:The attacker evenly attacks a subset of the elements If exactly q GEs are attacked, the destruction probability of the series system is V = 1-s q = 1-(1-v) q, when Q targets are attacked, the total destruction probability of the system is 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 36

37 Scenario 3:The attacker evenly attacks a subset of the elements The solution of the minmax game(optimal values of Q* and H* and corresponding value of the expected vulnerability V*) is obtained by the following enumerative procedure: 1. Assign V* = 1; 2. For each H = 0,…, [r/x] 2.1. Assign V max = 0; 2.2. For each Q = 1,…,N+H 2.2.1. Determine V(Q,H) according to(7); 2.2.2. if V max <V(Q,H) assign V max = V(Q,H) and Q opt = Q; 2.3. if V max < V* assign V* = V max, Q* = Q opt, H* = H. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 37

38 Scenario 3:The attacker evenly attacks a subset of the elements 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 38 Fig. 8. Optimal Q*, H*, and V* as functions of r/R for different m, where N = 5 and x/R = 0.5.

39 Scenario 3:The attacker evenly attacks a subset of the elements Fig. 8. Optimal Q*, H*, and V* as functions of r/R for different m, where N = 5 and x/R = 0.5. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 39

40 Scenario 3:The attacker evenly attacks a subset of the elements 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 40 Fig. 9. Optimal Q*, H*, and V* as functions of N for different m, where r/R = 5 and x/R = 0.5. Fig.4 attacker attacks one element

41 Scenario 3:The attacker evenly attacks a subset of the elements Fig. 9. Optimal Q*, H*, and V* as functions of N for different m, where r/R = 5 and x/R = 0.5. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 41 Fig.9 attacker attacks a subset of the elements Fig.4 attacker attacks one element

42 Scenario 3:The attacker evenly attacks a subset of the elements Fig. 10. Best response functions Q*(H) and H*(Q) for various m, assuming N = 5, r/ R = 5, and x/R = 0.5. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 42

43 Agenda Introduction The model Scenario 1:The attacker attacks one element Scenario 2:The attacker evenly attacks all elements Scenario 3:The attacker evenly attacks a subset of the elements Conclusion 2010/3/30 43 NTU OPLab 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 1

44 Conclusion Series system can be destroyed by an attack if any one of the elements is destroyed. To reduce the system vulnerability, the defender protects the genuine elements and deploys false elements. The optimal number of false targets in general depends on the resources available to the attacker and the defender, on the false target cost, on the contest intensity and on the number of the genuine elements. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 44

45 Conclusion When the attacker attacks only one element, as the attacker’s resource increases, it becomes more important for the defender to deploy more false elements to divert the attacker. ▫With low contest intensity, efforts have modest impact on the outcome of protection and attack, and the defender deploys many false elements to decrease the probability that a genuine element is attacked. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 45

46 Conclusion With high contest intensity, the attacker easily gets contest success since it attacks only one element, while the defender protects all genuine elements. ▫Defender deploys a maximum number of false elements when not too resourceful. ▫As the defender becomes more resourceful, it abruptly decreases the deployment of false elements. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 46

47 Conclusion When the attacker attacks all elements, the defender always deploys fewer FEs. ▫With low contest intensity, this results in high vulnerability since efforts have low impact, and the attacker is not diverted to too many FEs. ▫With high contest intensity, the vulnerability is low when the defender is sufficiently resourceful, The optimal number of FEs does not depend of the m and strictly decreases with the number of the GEs. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 47

48 Conclusion When the attacker can choose how many elements to attack, ▫low contest intensity induces the attacker to attack all elements since contest success is more egalitarian regardless of effort. ▫with high contest intensity effort matters more and the attacker attacks overall fewer elements as the defender’s resource increases. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 48

49 Conclusion The presented model applies a contest intensity parameter m that cannot be exactly evaluated in practice. Two ways of handling the uncertainty of the contest intensity can be outlined: 1.m can be defined as a fuzzy variable and fuzzy logic model can be studied. 2.The range of possible variation of m can be determined and the ‘‘worst-case’’ defense strategy can be obtained under the assumption that m takes the values that are most favorable for the attacker. 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 49

50 Thanks for your listening! 2010/3/30NTU OPLab 50

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