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This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business.

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Presentation on theme: "This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program Follow up of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project “MyCoast”? Integrated Regional Development in Burgas Oblast

2 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program Lot of extensively/under utilised resources in Burgas Oblast Forestry / Nature - Biomass (Wood branches / sawdust) currently not used - Nature observation / natural sites (caves, archelogical sites) not known - Biodiversity (no living gene banks, few tree and plant nurseries) - Space free for cattle breeding, game breeding, berrie growing, herb growing, mushrooms - Undiscovered leisure opportunities (gardens, sportive) Tourism - Tourism season is currently just 35 days - Tourism only targets mass tourists Rural areas - Lot of low skilled labour force available - 15.000 ha High Nature Value pastures, only extensive farming possible - 200.000 ha degraded arable land underutilised

3 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program Market Price Costs Extensive farming With current world market prices, and without modern investments, extensive farming, in principle delivering high nutritional products and performing well in the ecosystem, is economically not feasible What prevents us from using better those resources?

4 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program Organic Quality +20% Market Price Costs Extensive farming However, a growing niche market of health and organic products, can give extensive farming a premium price by eco- certificates, making it more attractive to certain farmers who can compensate the lack of profit by self- sufficiency

5 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program Organic Quality +20%“Produit Regional” +20% Market Price Costs Extensive farming Extensive farmers prefer local breeds and varieties because they are less capital intensive. When they can label this unique and authentic quality for example through regional labeling schemes, this adds another premium, making it almost a profitable business

6 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program Extensive farming Market Price Organic Quality +20% “Produit Regional” +20% Costs EU Direct Payments -20% The EU compensates extensive farmers for the difficult environmental conditions they face. This can mount up to 400 euro per hectare per year, once the system is installed

7 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program Extensive Farming Market Price Costs If extensive farmers can reach their clients directly (many consumers like to source directly from their suppliers), marketing costs are reduced enormously, turning extensive farming in a profitable business Direct marketing –20%

8 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program Market Price Costs Forestry / Nature Also the Burgas forestry sector is in the world market economy hardly compatible

9 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program FSC Standards +20% Forestry Market Price Costs Forest side products -20% But with making more money from forest side products and adopting FSC certification, profitability increases

10 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program Market Price Tourism Costs The tourism sector experiences diminishing profits and shortening of season. It can extend its season and raise its quality by attracting target groups that stay longer and consume a broader product range

11 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program Tourism Market Price Costs Regional quality label +20% More attractive environment and product offer Saving Resources -10% This results in a higher price per person per night. Also the tourism sector can still economise on its use of resources enormously, reducing its costs.

12 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program Forestry / Nature Extensive farming Tourism Conclusion: for each of the main sectors of Burgas economy to be more profitable, they need something from the other sectors

13 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program local authentic products, regional labelling biodiversity conservation, biomass nature observation, leisure activities Forestry / Nature Extensive farming Tourism The motor of regional development can only be “turned on” if at the same time opportunities are created for each of the three sectors

14 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program A Regional Platform or Council should coordinate and focus those investments to give the right incentive on the right place to the right sector. An informal platform existed already for two years in the framework of the MyCoast Project. The Burgas Oblast Government is studying now how to formalise it. A group of stakeholders have delivered a concrete proposal to the Council Initiative for an integrated regional development, to be financed by voluntary Carbon offsets, EU structural funding and private investors Pilot actions in each of the three sectors are foreseen concentrated in a “Green Belt” area of 200.000 hectares

15 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program A search area for regional development is proposed in the area of Strandzha Nature Park and Underutilised agricultural land on the ax between Strandzha mountains and Stara Planina, the traditional transhumance route for sheep migration of the Karakachan population. A new technology of voluntary carbon offsetting (soil humus improvement with wood chips, RWC) is proposed as “fuel” for the Regional Development process. The Strandzha mountains can provide sufficient quantities of this resource Until 2020, about 10.000 hectares is planned to be brought under agroforestry with the RWC technology, combined with protection of biodiversity and tourism functions

16 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program Example Project for Carbon offsetting in Moldova: soil conservation and municipal district heating

17 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program Important nature areas and proposed search area Map of ECNC Search area for agroforesty

18 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program EU hectare payments for agroforestry

19 This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and executed by the EVD, Agency for International Business and Cooperation in the framework of the Environmental Facility of the PSO Program A project for the Rural Development Programme is currently being prepared (2009-2012) See:

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