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Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Prof. Antonia Moropoulou - NTUA – National Technical University of Athens Educational Toolkit Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Prof. Antonia Moropoulou - NTUA – National Technical University of Athens Educational Toolkit Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Prof. Antonia Moropoulou - NTUA – National Technical University of Athens Educational Toolkit Management and Use Module 6 Basic Course Teaching Material Topic Keeping Heritage alive - The case of the Medieval City of Rhodes and the Aegean island of Halki - International Youth initiatives

2 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou - NTUA – National Technical University of Athens Copyright ©ELAICH Beneficiaries 2009-2012 This material is an integral part of the “ELAICH – educational toolkit” and developed as part of the project ELAICH – Educational Linkage Approach in Cultural Heritage within the framework of EuroMed Cultural Heritage 4 Programme under grant agreement ENPI 150583. All rights reserved to the ELAICH Beneficiaries. This material, in its entirety only, may be used in "fair use" only as part of the ELAICH – educational toolkit for the educational purposes by non-profit educational establishments or in self-education, by any means at all times and on any downloads, copies and or, adaptations, clearly indicating “©ELAICH Beneficiaries 2009-2011” and making reference to these terms. Use of the material amounting to a distortion or mutilation of the material or is otherwise prejudicial to the honor or reputation of ELAICH Beneficiaries 2009-2011 is forbidden. Use of parts of the material is strictly forbidden. No part of this material may be: (1) used other than intended (2) copied, reproduced or distributed in any physical or electronic form (3) reproduced in any publication of any kind (4) used as part of any other teaching material in any framework; unless prior written permission of the ELAICH Beneficiaries has been obtained. Disclaimer This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the ELAICH Consortium and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union. Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage

3 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou - NTUA – National Technical University of Athens Abstract “Keeping heritage alive” is a perception of sustainable cities, involving the active participation of people - and especially youth - in the development processes. Education becomes a necessity to keep societies informed and research becomes a tool to define new concepts and investigate effective, innovative and compatible planning techniques and materials for sustainable preservation of historic cities. Both, research and education provide sustainability to historic cities’ preservation and are enriched and developed in mutuality with cities development. In this framework, historic cities are being kept “alive” and functioning as open labs for research and education. Historic Cities can and definitely should be used as open labs, transferring, applying and validating the knowledge produced. The historic City of Rhodes and historic ecistic cores in Halki are presented, acting as pilot open labs for research and education towards monuments’ revitalisation. Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage

4 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou - NTUA – National Technical University of Athens Content Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Table of contents of this presentation 6.8.1. Keeping heritage alive 6.8.2. Pilot project for Halki’s revitalisation 6.8.3. Pilot Project for the reveal, recognition and preservation of the Historic City of Rhodes

5 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou – Topic 6.8: Youth participation in monuments’ revitalisation Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage The cultural, historic and social value of Cultural Heritage renders nowadays Historic Cities to pilot workshops of cultural development and socio-economic integration. Cultural development policies are redefined and integrated into strategies for sustainable development and preservation, responding to the new research needs and the relatively emerging professional profiles for the protection of Cultural Heritage. Historic Cities require a global strategy, which disseminates and applies the recently developed know-how, evaluates the applied practices and demonstrates the best among them, as well as develops knowledge based decision – making tools for scientific support to policies. The adoption and promotion of these procedures is indispensable for the incorporation of historic cities into modern towns for the reconciliation of tourism and its development in compatibility with the protection of Cultural Heritage and the needs of local societies. 6.8.1. Keeping heritage alive

6 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou – Topic 6.8: Youth participation in monuments’ revitalisation Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage 6.8.1. Keeping heritage alive “Keeping heritage alive” is a perception of sustainable cities, with the active participation of people – and especially youth - in the development processes. Education becomes a necessity to keep societies informed and research becomes a tool to define new concepts and investigate effective, innovative and compatible planning techniques and materials for sustainable preservation of historic cities. Both, research and education provide sustainability to historic cities’ preservation and are enriched and developed in mutuality with cities development. Historic cities are being kept “alive” and are functioning as open labs for research and education. ORGANISATION OF WORLD HERITAGE CITIES Strategy of the Organisation of World Heritage Cities (OWHC): 7th International Symposium of World Heritage Cities Rhodes, 24-26 September 2003 Personal contribution of Prof. A. Moropoulou as chair of the International Scientific Committee

7 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou – Topic 6.8: Youth participation in monuments’ revitalisation Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage City of Tomorrow and Cultural Heritage has been acknowledged by the European Parliaments as a major issue of European Strategic Planning (5 th FP) Personal contribution of Prof. A. Moropoulou as member of the External Advisory Committee of the DG XII CITY OF TOMORROW AND CULTURAL HERITAGE

8 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou – Topic 6.8: Youth participation in monuments’ revitalisation Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Sustainable city planning and rational resource management, as multidirectional planning, aims to improve: - the urban governance and decision making - the quality of urban life - the economic development - competitiveness and job creation in city centers and city neighborhoods - increasing awareness for citizens’ participation in decision making processes - Integrating urban policies with regard to socio-economic, environmental and cultural impact Personal contribution of Prof. A. Moropoulou as member of the External Advisory Committee of the DG XII CITY OF TOMORROW AND CULTURAL HERITAGE The Greek Youth and UNESCO Pilot Projects of the Aegean island of Halki and the Medieval City of Rhodes are exemplary of - Youth initiatives and social participation - Cultural planning for Development - Sustainable Development

9 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou – Topic 6.8: Youth participation in monuments’ revitalisation Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage 6.8.2. Pilot Project for Halki’s revitalization The Greek Youth and UNESCO pilot project performed for the integrated development of Halki was based on an interdisciplinarity planning attempted by multicriteria analysis of counteracting strategies, concerning: - natural, human and cultural resources conservation and upgrading - water, liquid and solid waste management - use of renewable energy resources - conservation and rehabilitation of architectural heritage. The plan for the integrated development of Halki proved that: - It is not the shortage of funds responsible but the lack of innovative solutions and model management of development that keeps the small and isolated areas under the process of degradation and instability with no viability prospects. - The best possible macro – economic management of an economy cannot bring the small regions out of the vicious circle of unbalanced development and that with structural invention on a local level, concerning proper management and preservation of natural, human and cultural resources such regions can survive. Moropoulou, A., Kambas, V., Lathourakis, E., Papakostopoulos, A., Kokkinos, Ch., “Environmental criteria towards an integrated development plan - The case of the island of Halki”, in Proc. Int. Conf. “Islands 2000” The World of Islands : What development on the eve of the year 2000, ed. P.G. D’Ayala, C. Cavallaro, A. Moropoulou, Publ. NTUA - UNESCO - INSULA, Giardini Naxos, 1992 (1999) pp. 145-179

10 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou – Topic 6.8: Youth participation in monuments’ revitalisation Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage 6.8.2. Pilot Project for Halki’s revitalization The plan for the integrated development of Halki proved that: - Fundamental political mechanisms such as informed communities’ participation, decentralization, support and upgrading of local government and initiation and support for local initiatives in the private, public and social sectors as well as the development of new institutions are proved the only feasible and effective ways to carry out the revitalization of historic cities and through these the revitalization of local economies, in a sustainable way. The basic challenge was the survival of a system, which has disintegrated with a cost not exceeding conventional levels. The program aimed to be transferable insofar as both the overall model for intervention and the technical and specific measures are concerned, thus contributing to a pilot method for an approach to development problems, particularly in isolated mountain and island areas presenting noticeable development potential in fixed capital like the architectural heritage comprising historic ecistic cores or cities. The basic output of reversing the degrading of population and local economy was based on the revitalization of the historic City of Halki with rehabilitation and historic houses to host tourism developed to sustain local economy, as well as by the recovery and rehabilitation of historic buildings and sites to provide public spaces promoting new functions and services for the quality of life of the people. Research and education of the local community played as active role to the success of the period. Today Halki is pacing its own road of sustainable development preserving its natural, human and cultural resources and primarily the historic ecistic core of Nimborio. Perspectives exist for the revitalization and rehabilitation of the historic Fortress and Village.

11 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou – Topic 6.8: Youth participation in monuments’ revitalisation Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage 6.8.2. Pilot Project for Halki’s revitalization Strategy of the Youth Initiatives for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Personal contribution of Prof. A. Moropoulou As UNESCO local coordinator for Halki and Rhodes

12 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou – Topic 6.8: Youth participation in monuments’ revitalisation Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage 6.8.2. Pilot Project for Halki’s revitalization Strategy of the Youth Initiatives for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Personal contribution of Prof. A. Moropoulou As UNESCO local coordinator for Halki and Rhodes

13 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou – Topic 6.8: Youth participation in monuments’ revitalisation Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage 6.8.2. Pilot Project for Halki’s revitalization Strategy of the Youth Initiatives for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Personal contribution of Prof. A. Moropoulou As UNESCO local coordinator for Halki and Rhodes

14 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou – Topic 6.8: Youth participation in monuments’ revitalisation Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage 6.8.3. Pilot Project for the reveal, recognition and preservation of the Historic City of Rhodes Youth initiatives undertaken for the reveal, recognition and preservation of the historic (Medieval) City of Rhodes with UNESCO, OECD and E.E. participation and support aimed at : - providing opportunities for cultural tourism as alternatives to the declining mass tourism, in order to sustain island’s economic perspectives - upgrading the quality of life in the City intra muros, in order to preserve and sustain social consistency and coherence - revealing and preserving the historic and cultural values of the City - disseminating these values and educating the people of Rhodes on their history - developing new cultural, scientific and institutional tools for historic cities’ preservation acting in favor of Rhodes as a pilot case The raise of the finance for the preservation and improvement of the integrated environment of the City became an interrelated goal. Moropoulou, A., Konstanti, A., Aggelakopoulou, E., Kokkinos, Ch., “Historic Cities as open labs of research and post graduate education ” 7th International Symposium of the Organization of World Heritage Cities, Rhodes, (2003)

15 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou – Topic 6.8: Youth participation in monuments’ revitalisation Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage 6.8.3. Pilot Project for the reveal, recognition and preservation of the Historic City of Rhodes In order to implement the above mentioned goals, the Ministry of Youth in collaboration with the Municipality of Rhodes and with the active support of the Ephorate of Byzantine and post-Byzantine Antiquities, performed the following initiatives: 1982 Proposal to EU and 1983 proposal to UNESCO for the recognition of the Medieval City of Rhodes as a “Historic City” 1982-1984 Pilot interventions for: - cleaning, landscaping and preserving the Medieval Moat of the City, - constructing and launching an open air theatre to attract in international - cultural events local community and tourism - reusing the Bastions of Caretto and St. George as exhibition halls and meeting places, as well as the Church of the Virgin of the Castle as music and exhibition hall, by their rehabilitation and the start of first safeguarding – conservation and restoration works

16 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou – Topic 6.8: Youth participation in monuments’ revitalisation Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage 6.8.3. Pilot Project for the reveal, recognition and preservation of the Historic City of Rhodes 1983-1984 Initiation of new legislation framework and development of new institutions for the preservation and management of the Moat and the Fortress, as well as the Medieval City of Rhodes, for first time ever, introducing local governments in this role. The relative Program Agreements signed between the Municipality of Rhodes, the Ministry of Culture, the Archaeological Resources Fund with the participation of the Ministry of Environment, Urban Planning and Public Works and the National Tourism Organization, provided the proper context for scientific and implementation studies, as well as technical interventions and construction works to take place towards integrated conservation of the Medieval City. 1984-1999 : The Municipality Bureau for Conservation of Medieval City of Rhodes acted as the vehicle to coordinate private and public sectors’ works for the preservation of the City 1999- today: The Fund established by the Ministry of Culture to coordinate the works regarding the Fortifications took over the venture of conservation - International symposium for the 15 years of Restoration in the Medieval Town of Rhodes 2004-: At the end of the lifetime of the Program Agreement, is the Municipality of Rhodes going to be deprived of the rights to decide on the preservation of its own City?

17 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou – Topic 6.8: Youth participation in monuments’ revitalisation Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage 6.8.3. Pilot Project for the reveal, recognition and preservation of the Historic City of Rhodes In this context: -the introduction of the local community through culture into supporting the effort of the preservation of the City became the main strategy of its implementation -Historic City of Rhodes acted as a field of interdisciplinary research performed towards all the multilateral aspects of the preservation of the City Today the character of the Historic City of Rhodes as an open lab for Research and Education is strongly related to the institutional structure and the strategic planning for its preservation.

18 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou – Topic 6.8: Youth participation in monuments’ revitalisation Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage 6.8.3. Pilot Project for the reveal, recognition and preservation of the Historic City of Rhodes

19 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou – Topic 6.8: Youth participation in monuments’ revitalisation Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage 6.8.3. Pilot Project for the reveal, recognition and preservation of the Historic City of Rhodes

20 Prof. Antonia Moropoulou – Topic 6.8: Youth participation in monuments’ revitalisation Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage 6.8.3. Pilot Project for the reveal, recognition and preservation of the Historic City of Rhodes

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