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Highway Across Africa Instructions: 1. Get into groups of 4 and assign the following jobs: - Team Leader, Researchers, Cartographer, Writer. 2. Write every.

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Presentation on theme: "Highway Across Africa Instructions: 1. Get into groups of 4 and assign the following jobs: - Team Leader, Researchers, Cartographer, Writer. 2. Write every."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highway Across Africa Instructions: 1. Get into groups of 4 and assign the following jobs: - Team Leader, Researchers, Cartographer, Writer. 2. Write every group members name on the Packet. (No name, No credit!) 3. Follow the instructions on the following 3 slides. Timeline: -Begin work on the proposed highway on Block day. -Continue working on proposed highway on Friday. -Present Proposed Highway in class Monday.

2 Rejected Route 1. Write ALL group members names on this packet! - (NO name, NO credit!) 2. Map the points of the rejected route - Outline the original route and connecting cities in RED. 3. Give reasons (Physical, Human, Other) for why your group rejected this original route. 4. Turn-in your completed work for the Rejected Route in order to receive the New Proposal portion of project.

3 Route Proposal 1. Again, write ALL group members names on this packet! - (NO name, NO credit!) 2. As you investigate possible connecting cities, map the points on the proposed route - Outline the proposed route and connecting cities in color in BLUE. 3. Use the chart packet to analyze which cities/countries to connect to your highway. You’ll want to consider the following in your choices: -To encourage and stimulate economic development and trade -To promote tourism -To promote political / economic cooperation (PEACE) -To develop a transportation system

4 4.Using your analysis of cities/countries to connect to your highway. Compose articles which clearly define and provide solutions to issues affecting / impacted by your highway. You’ll want to consider: -What is the issue? -Why is it an issue and what affects it has had on the people, country, or continent? -Solutions to the issue. You MUST do the following: -Cover a major portion of the continent. -Connect major population centers. -Cross a minimum of 13 countries, maximum of 25.  Begin in Cairo, Egypt and end in Cape Town, South Africa. -Include a Atlantic coastal city and an Indian coastal city. Route Proposal

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