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‘Changing policing and policing change’: placing Scotland in a comparative context Nick Fyfe.

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Presentation on theme: "‘Changing policing and policing change’: placing Scotland in a comparative context Nick Fyfe."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Changing policing and policing change’: placing Scotland in a comparative context Nick Fyfe

2 Why? Forces for Change Economic – the search for ‘affordable policing’; Social/managerial – responding to changing patterns of criminality; Political/ideological – reshaping relations between state and civil society.

3 How? Strategies for Change Mergers/centralization/nationalization; Decentralization/localism – rolling out the ‘Boris model’?; Enhanced collaboration; Savings from privatization/co-production.

4 What is the impact of change? Some cautionary tales about limited research evidence The evidence for [restructuring] making a difference, let alone demonstrably improving productivity or outcomes is surprisingly slender… there are no randomized trials, no longitudinal studies of multiple restructuring events or time-series designs and little scientifically acceptable cross-sectional work. (Braithwaite et al, 2005).

5 What is the impact of change ? Some cautionary tales about the unintended and unexpected… Short –term risks to local policing; Concerns of partners; Governance, accountability and decision- making; Careers, competence and culture.

6 How does reform relate to wider changes and challenges? Political sensibilities and professional independence - negotiating the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of policing; ‘Policing by consent’ in a world of growing inequality; Reducing crime in an era of austerity.

7 Conclusions Profound shifts occurring in the economic. social and political environments of policing across Europe; ‘Adapting the Blues’: a long history transitions and transformations; Need for a strong narrative about what kind of policing we want in the 21 st century.

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