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Search Engine Marketing Case Study – by: Hugh Burnham – Online Strategist for Rare Method.

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Presentation on theme: "Search Engine Marketing Case Study – by: Hugh Burnham – Online Strategist for Rare Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 Search Engine Marketing Case Study – by: Hugh Burnham – Online Strategist for Rare Method

2 Introduction to Rare Method We are a leading, full service, interactive marketing firm Based in Calgary, Alberta with offices in Salt Lake & Phoenix Publicly traded on the TSX Venture (RAM) Rare Method was recognized as one of Canada’s fastest growing companies by PROFIT magazine in 2005 …and Alberta’s 5th fastest growing company by Alberta Venture magazine in 2006 Rare Method has been nominated by Marketing Magazine as one of the Top 3 Digital Agencies in Canada for 2006

3 Client Case Study > Some Points about – Audio production studio located in Calgary, Alberta Core Competencies –On Hold Messaging (corporate phone services) –IVR (Interactive Voice Response) systems –Multilingual audio work Due to lack of previous SEO work, OnAir relies heavily on CPC for traffic OnAir found that their CPC rates were out of control and needed help Rare Method was asked to improve On Air’s campaign

4 Client Case Study > - Audit First Step – Audit the existing CPC campaign: Rare Method was tasked with improving / updating the existing campaign, and to do this we did the following things: –Install Web Analytics software (you need baseline data for results) –Audit the keyword list – find the gems and build on them (plurals) –Don’t re-invent the wheel – Clients have a better understanding of industry terms – pick their brains for them –Engage with the client – Find what areas of the site are most profitable & then build on those areas within the keyword / copy focus. –Look online and see who is competing with your client –Look at the clients present budget – is it really enough to compete?

5 Client Case Study > - Strategy Second Step – Build Strategy, Get Sign Off: Once you have completed your Audit – Build a Strategy & Get Approval –In this case we switched from Broad to [Exact] phrases –We raised the daily budget (explaining why was tricky) –Created a more diverse (comical & business approach) to ad copy –Created Ad Groups for general terms as well as industry specific terms –Shut off the campaigns on the weekends to save money –Expanded the keyword base to include plurals and like terms

6 Client Case Study > - Results Third Step – Let it Roll – Measure & Report: The audited campaign was launched in August 2006 –Within 30 Days of implementing changes results were in Increased Budget 43% Impressions were up 233% Increased Visits to the site 358% Average Ad Position went from 4.3 to 2.1 (solely on improved CTR) All this was done with just under 16 hours of billing time!! As a result of the success of this campaign Rare Method is now doing the SEO for the OnAir folks and they have now started showing up on the Google's first page for various industry terms

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