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Implementation of Supply Chain Management Rachel Butler Environmental Manager Finnforest UK.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation of Supply Chain Management Rachel Butler Environmental Manager Finnforest UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation of Supply Chain Management Rachel Butler Environmental Manager Finnforest UK

2 Who are we? Finnish owned company,Metsaliitto, importing over 1.2 million cubic metres annually Over 80% of volume is certified to either FSC or PEFC; the remainder are mainly in, certification or chain of custody process, meeting Controlled Wood Standard, TFT process Don’t represent the end user; sell through DIY, Merchant & Construction customers

3 How Timber Policy works in practice Introduction of a Procurement Policy five years ago was easy……  Implementation of policy more difficult! Buyers are judged on their performance i.e. stock turn, quality and competitive prices.  In merchant/retail outlets buyers are mainly judged on commercial considerations & whether they meet budgets/cost reductions Commercial realities of running a company can sometimes be in conflict with a Responsible Timber Policy. However, competitive price does not necessarily always mean non-certified V certified.

4 FFUK Policy Actions & Self Policing Risk assess all suppliers for products & rate  More likely to get information from suppliers using one format hence why FFUK signs up to the TTF’s Responsible Purchasing Policy New suppliers from certified or low risk countries – documentation checked out, confirmation of sourcing areas is asked for. Policy all new suppliers from risky countries have to be signed off  Safeguards if this does not happen; SAP report every month notifies of new suppliers! Suppliers who become de-listed for environmental or quality reasons – vendor blocked on SAP - so no orders can be placed

5 Policy: Boycott v Engagement Policy for Indonesia – suspended until the mill(s) committed either working towards legality & sustainability or gained it – now supplying FSC Hardwood Ply into the market place through Tjipta  Was this the right decision to suspend? Brazil – FF have supported the State of Acre and now importing the first Hardwood Plywood from the region. The project is a visionary & been personally pioneered by Governor Jorge Viana.

6 Policy: Boycott v Engagement China – stayed out due to environmental & social concerns. Commercially we lost business but are in discussions with some potential suppliers; no business unless commitment to improve is gained. Generally engagement is preferred over boycott;  Need to engage to maintain some leverage over suppliers  Boycott can simply mean companies will sell to other markets or change land use. Certain countries such as Burma, Liberia; boycott in view of international or national guidance.

7 Supply Chain Management Timber trade is part of a supply chain & we know that the public is not generally interested. UK Government as demand-led policy is increasing awareness for legal & sustainable timber – but more awareness needs to be done All elements of supply chain need educating; recent WWF report stated 65% of London Local Authorities do not assess their timber/paper purchases.  Estimated that anywhere between 20 – 40% timber is purchased by public sector, what does a typical LA consume – the need for a footprint? The larger companies are pretty much aware of the issues & commercially have been hit by environmental campaigning! What can be done to educate the other players?

8 Supply Chain Management: Policing Company self-policing, long term relationships with suppliers; lack of credibility? Through external agencies such as TTF’s RPP & GFTN who offer company auditing to prove the claims made; therefore greater credibility External auditing through civil society  Environmental campaigns undoubtedly have an impact – discrimination?  Strengthening TTF’s Code of Conduct & make it easy for those outside the trade to report issues  If it works extend to other organisations in the supply chain e.g. Builders Merchants & Retail Legislation  To level playing field & base the market on actual prices rather than alleged illegal logging for some products  How practical & feasible?


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