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Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Geoffrey Crisp RMIT University.

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Presentation on theme: "Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Geoffrey Crisp RMIT University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Geoffrey Crisp RMIT University

2 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate University of Bologna, Laurentius de Voltolina 14 th century lecture The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. Is this your classroom?

3 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate University of Bologna, Laurentius de Voltolina 14 th century lecture The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. Is this your classroom? listening social interaction quality assurance reading disengaged

4 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate 28/10/20154 How do academics feel about teaching today? MiaaQ2E/s400/confusing_signs2.jpg http://www.teach-

5 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate What is a capable graduate? What criteria are used to define a capable graduate? Are these the same as graduate capabilities/attributes or skills that all universities now list on their websites? A capable graduate is likely to be one who has sufficient discipline knowledge and skills to perform adequately in a professional domain relevant to the program What does “perform adequately” mean in this context?

6 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate What is a capable graduate? to perform adequately in the workplace, a graduate is required to apply domain specific knowledge to particular tasks and interact effectively with other colleagues and clients they must be aware of the broader social, cultural, economic and political dimensions of their workplace take the new skills and abilities acquired during discipline learning activities and contextualise them so they are recognised in the graduateness of the person participating in the workplace

7 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Rethinking curriculum design We need to rethink our curriculum design so that it facilitates both the development of appropriate skills and capabilities, as well as the application of these skills and capabilities in an authentic environment

8 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate LessonLAMS – curriculum design tool

9 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate 9

10 Learning and assessment employers are expecting graduates to be able to perform adequately in proactive, task-directed situations where they implement their domain specific knowledge universities are often concerned with students mastering the conceptual understanding of core discipline principles and applying this to artificially constructed tasks designed for assessment tasks that will be readily marked

11 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate 21 st century employability skills – DEST 2002 communication that contributes to productive and harmonious relations across employees and customers self-management that contributes to employee satisfaction and growth teamwork that contributes to productive working relationships and outcomes life-long learning that contributes to ongoing improvement and expansion in employee and company operations and outcomes

12 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate 21 st century employability skills – DEST 2002 problem-solving that contributes to productive outcomes technology that contributes to effective execution of tasks planning and organising that contributes to long and short term strategic planning initiative and enterprise that contribute to innovative outcomes

13 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate P21 - Partnership for 21 st Century Skills USA - P21 advocates fusing the three R’s (reading, writing and math skills) with the four C’s (critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity and innovation) three of the private companies involved in P21 (Cisco, Microsoft and Intel ) are also part of the ATC21S project with the University of Melbourne in Australia ATC21S is designed to highlight the skills that are required of graduates to be productive and creative workers and citizens of the 21 st century ( project group is looking at what e-assessment has to offer for the assessment 21 st century skills 13

14 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate 21 st century skills Ways of thinking Creativity and innovation; critical thinking, problem solving; learning to learn, metacognition Ways of workingCommunication; collaboration (teamwork) Tools for working Information literacy; ICT literacy Living in the world Citizenship – local and global; Life and career; personal, social responsibility 14 Table 1. Example of 21 st century employability skills (adapted from content by Ripley, 2010)

15 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate 21 st century skills Collaboration Social and/or cultural skills Critical thinking Communication Citizenship Problem solving ICT literacy Creativity Develop quality products Productivity 15

16 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Multimodal information processing Skills and knowledge required to understand, produce, and negotiate meanings in a culture made up of words, images and sounds. Navigating the infospace Ability to know when and why there is a need for information; how and where to find it in, and retrieve it from the vast infospace; and how to decode, evaluate, use, and communicate it in both an efficient and ethical manner. Interpersonal communication Skills required for mindful, knowledgeable, and ethical use of a wide range of communication means, using multiple communication channels, in various interaction configurations, for different purposes Visual literacy Ability to decode, evaluate, use, or create images of various kinds using both conventional and twenty-first century media in ways that advance thinking, reasoning, decision making, communication, and learning Hyperacy People’s ability to deal, either as consumers or as producers, with nonlinear knowledge representations Personal information management literacy Process by which an individual stores his/her information items to retrieve them later Coping with complexity Skills and methods required to perceive phenomena as complex (e.g., recognizing multiple actors or multiple layers), to study and understand these phenomena (e.g., devising multiple alternatives and strategies), and to implement the gained understanding for coping with them. 16 21 st century technology skills (adapted from content by Mioduser, Nachmias & Forkosh-Baruch, 2008)

17 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Typical learning and assessment environment 17 Will this environment deliver 21 st century skills?

18 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Learning and assessment if teaching is the static delivery of content, then routine assessment tasks that reward recall will be the likely format for the students’ tasks this approach is not compatible with the assessment of 21 st century skills teachers who prepare authentic learning activities for students will likely make assessment tasks more authentic and are more likely to cater for the complexity that is part of assessing 21 st century skills

19 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Resources for 21 st century teaching 28/10/201519

20 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Resources for 21 st century teaching 28/10/201520

21 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Assessing 21 st century skills for declarative knowledge (knowing what) that forms part of the core traditional skills and understandings in a discipline, student responses can be readily compared to expected responses and judged as correct or incorrect the idea that valid and reliable inferences can be made about students’ acquisition of 21 st century skills by judging students’ responses as only correct or incorrect is too simple an approach for the assessment of complex capabilities for these new skills, our assessment designs need to accept multiple solutions to a problem or issue and provide feedback to students on their chosen strategies that have been used to solve the problem

22 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Assessing 21 st century skills designing assessments that are capable of tracking the strategies students employ to complete the assigned task requires a holistic approach to judging the evidence presented by the student students can be asked to construct responses using the competencies that they have developed during a course these competencies will be a mix of discipline specific knowledge and understandings, as well as an array of broader competencies that are more aligned with 21 st century employability skills

23 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Interactive Java applets

24 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Interactive Java applets

25 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Assessing 21 st century skills students receive a strong message about the relative importance of knowledge recall versus the broader competencies such as approaches to problem solving, creativity, collaboration and social context through the weighting that teachers apply to the assessment task students will use these weightings to decide where to place their efforts in completing the task

26 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate FacetCriteriaAssessment component Contextual Does the assessment tool allow students to take into account characteristics about their specific workplace? organisational analysis Capability driven Does the assessment tool specifically measure the discipline-specific capabilities and graduate attributes / employability skills articulated in the course objectives? workplace performance review includes list of capabilities Action-based learning Does the assessment tool encourage students to reflect, review, and modify actions to make improvements in their learning cycle? placement plan and report on achievements Relationship collaboration Does the assessment tool factor in feedback from workplace supervisors? How do all the stakeholders collaborate and relate? three site visits where students, workplace supervisor & academic supervisor discuss a placement plan, middle & final work performance reviews Developmental Is the assessment tool developmental in nature? Does it specifically provide for formative feedback and assessment? formative feedback on learning activities Student-centred Does the assessment tool recognise the self-directed learning and increased responsibility that the student takes in learning in the workplace? reflective journals & learning papers 26 WIL assessment framework (adapted from content by Richardson, Kaider, Henschke & Jackling, 2009

27 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Work integrated learning universities are exploring alternative learning activities for the resource intensive physical workplace programs such as WIL because of the issues associated with scalability finding suitable placements for large numbers of students in these face-to-face programs can be difficult to organise each year

28 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Work integrated learning virtual worlds or simulations can offer an alternative learning and assessment environment for students to complete workplace tasks as a simulated activity activities in virtual worlds or simulations generally emphasise performance rather than knowledge acquisition this approach to designing student activities is aligned more closely with testing 21 st century skills where authentic assessment involves criteria relevant to the student performance, rather than simply the recall or manipulation of content knowledge in isolation from context

29 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate 29 What Happens in a Role Play? Adopt a role Issues & problems occur Reflection & Learning Interaction & debate Adopt a role Issues & problems occur Reflection & Learning Interaction & debate

30 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Scenario based learning - SBLi 30

31 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Facet of WorkWSD Cell Description Action VerbExample of Work Skill InitiativeStudent establishes role and adapts Inquire Focus Locate Enthusiastic Querying Technology Student applies technology to find and generate information/data Select Manage Innovate Identifying Translating Learning Student critically evaluates their role and objectives to establish lifelong learning skills Interpret Aspire Change Projecting Understanding Self Management Student reflects and self manages time and information Plan Choose Judge Organising Evaluating Problem Solving Student synthesises and analyses to create solutions Define Test Reason Distinguishing Investigating CommunicationStudent understands self and others through interpersonal communication and teamwork Listen Network Negotiate Interpreting Consulting 31 Facets of WSD explained (Bandaranaike & Willison, 2009)

32 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Game-based learning embedding assessment tasks within virtual world activities would provide a convenient way to track student performance and their application of many of the 21 st century skills Shute has described the principle of stealth assessment which involves the systematic collection of evidence about users’ actions during online games without interrupting the flow of the game (Shute, Ventura, Bauer & Zapata-Rivera, 2009)

33 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Game-based learning many of the traditional forms of assessment we currently use in universities interrupt the flow of student engagement by separating the learning and assessment as time and location specific activities stealth assessment challenges many of our current concepts about learning and assessment by proposing that teachers design learning and assessment activities that are continuous and not separated by time or space evidence of learning and capability development could be collected continuously without interrupting the flow of students’ learning

34 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Business Policy Game students form a management team and engage in a virtual simulation of the operations of a manufacturing company students are able to experiment with how economic, marketing, finance and production decisions influence their simulated business such simulations allow students to diagnose the efficacy of their own decision making and their strategies for running a business under different conditions

35 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Interactive Java applets

36 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate

37 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Simulations

38 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate 38 What is important? Long term learning outcomes Learning-oriented assessment Common core programs Authentic tasks Meaningful feedback Self and peer review Standards Outcomes based assessment Curriculum redesign Outcomes based learning

39 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate 21 st century teaching 39

40 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate Do you want to change the way you teach and assess? 40

41 Rethinking Learning and Teaching for the 21 st Century Graduate 41

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