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Psychology Research Methods Tuesday: Bring Headphones!!

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Presentation on theme: "Psychology Research Methods Tuesday: Bring Headphones!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychology Research Methods Tuesday: Bring Headphones!!

2 Sample  The small group of participants, out of the total number available that a researcher studies.

3 Naturalistic Observation  Method in which psychologists observe the subject in a natural setting without interfering.  Examples : Jane Goodall

4 Case Study  Method that involves an intensive investigation of one or more participants.  Example: Freud

5 Surveys  Method in which information is obtained by asking many individuals a set of fixed questions.  Example: Voting Projections

6 Longitudinal Study  Method in which data is collected about a group of participants over a number of years to assess how certain characteristics change or remain the same during development.  Example : Mr. Hannah follows you to college

7 Cross-Sectional Studies  Method in which data is collected from groups or participants of different ages and compared so that conclusions can be drawn about such differences due to age.  Tracking learning abilities at different ages.

8 Experimentation

9  Researcher controls the situation to analyze samples.  Example : Creating a simulation of a fight to test the bystander theory.

10 Some Experimentation Terms

11 Self-fulfilling prophesy  Situation where a researcher’s expectations influence the sample’s behavior, making an inauthentic experiment.  Examples: Counting horse, Inkblots

12 Single-Blind Experiment  Experiment where the participants are unaware of which participants received the treatment.  Example: Milgram Experiment

13 Double-Blind Experiment  An experiment which neither the experimenters nor the participants know which participants received the treatment.  How could this be more authentic than a single blind experiment?

14 Placebo Effect  A change in a participant’s illness or behavior that results from a belief that the treatment will have an effect, rather than the actual treatment.

15 Reflection  Which research method do you think is best? (naturalistic observation, survey, case study, experiment, longitudinal, cross-sectional)

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