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Jeopardy Milkweed Bugs Finding the Energy Genetic Variation Genetics and Natural Selection Misc. Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Milkweed Bugs Finding the Energy Genetic Variation Genetics and Natural Selection Misc. Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Milkweed Bugs Finding the Energy Genetic Variation Genetics and Natural Selection Misc. Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 Q: What distinguishes a true bug from other insects?

4 What is a Probosics Your Text Here

5 Q: What is an ecosystem? Your Text Here

6 A: Both biotic and abiotic factors interacting in a given area Your Text Here

7 Q: Where can populations be studied? Your Text Here

8 A: In the laboratory (mice), in the mini-ecosystem (at school), or in its natural surroundings (Jane Goodall) Your Text Here

9 Q: true or false? The main characteristics of all insects are 3 body parts, 8 legs, and both male and female needed for reproduction Your Text Here

10 A: false Your Text Here

11 Q: Why did we observe milkweed bugs for several weeks? Your Text Here

12 A: To obverse population change, a bug’s life cycle and to create a livable habitat Your Text Here

13 Q: What is made during photosynthesis that most living things need to survive? Your Text Here

14 Oxygen Your Text Here

15 Q: Which is not used during photosynthesis? Carbon dioxide, nitrogen, light, and water Your Text Here

16 Nitrogen Your Text Here

17 Q: Why did the finches of the Galapagos Islands develop variations in their beak structures? Your Text Here

18 To obtain food Your Text Here

19 Q: How does photosynthesis help a heterotroph and an autotroph? Your Text Here

20 A: For a heterotroph, another organism uses photosynthesis to create the food it eats because it is unable to create its own food like an autotroph. Your Text Here

21 Q: Which of these does not belong and why? Herbivore, producer, omnivore, and carnivore Your Text Here

22 A: Producer is an energy/trophic level and the others tell what an organism eats Your Text Here

23 Q: Phenotype describes _____. Your Text Here

24 Physical characteristics Your Text Here

25 Q: What type of scientist was Gregor Mendel? Your Text Here

26 Biologist Your Text Here

27 Q: Is a heterozygous (Aa) gene ever recessive? Your Text Here

28 A: no, it will always produce a dominant trait. Your Text Here

29 Q: Draw a correct Punnett square for AA and Aa parents? What is the ratio? Your Text Here

30 Varies Your Text Here

31 Q: What provides the genetic code for the features of an organism? Your Text Here

32 Genes Your Text Here

33 Q: What is the passing of traits from one generation to the next? Your Text Here

34 Heredity Your Text Here

35 Q: What structures in a cell contain genes? Your Text Here

36 Chromosomes Your Text Here

37 Q: Over time what would cause a change in the coloration of an organism? Your Text Here

38 Natural Selection Your Text Here

39 Q: true or false? The diversity of finches on the Galapagos Islands is due to selective breeding. Your Text Here

40 False, natural selection Your Text Here

41 Q: true or false? A variation in a population, like color, can allow a population to: reproduce successfully, adapt to an environment, and respond to change. Your Text Here

42 A: true, variation allows populations to survive. Your Text Here

43 Q: True or false? Phytoplankton is important to the health of oceans Your Text Here

44 True Your Text Here

45 Q: A plant is a _______ in the energy pyramid. Your Text Here

46 Producer Your Text Here

47 Q: What would happen to a shallow body of water after 1000 years? Your Text Here

48 It would become a field Your Text Here

49 Q: Which of these is a limiting factor? starvation, space (limited), disease, weather, or all of the above. Your Text Here

50 All of the above Your Text Here

51 Q: What carries one half of the genetic information from each parent in reproduction? Your Text Here

52 Egg and sperm

53 Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy: Draw a Punnett square that demonstrates whether or not two heterozygous parents can produce an off- spring with a recessive trait. Be sure to explain your answer.

54 Final Jeopardy Answer

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