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Science Project.  Albert Einstein was born on the 4 th March 1879  He was born in Germany to a Jewish family.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Project.  Albert Einstein was born on the 4 th March 1879  He was born in Germany to a Jewish family."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Project

2  Albert Einstein was born on the 4 th March 1879  He was born in Germany to a Jewish family

3  He was a very famous scientist, perhaps the most famous scientist of all time  He won a Nobel Prize in 1921 for his work on theoretical physics

4  Einstein came up with theories about light, matter, gravity, space and time and the world’s most famous formula ‘E=mc²’ (This means that energy and mass are different forms of the same thing)

5  After Einstein died his brain was kept and experimented on by scientists, they found that it was different from most brains which could be the reason why he was a genius

6  Jane was born on the 3 rd April 1934  She was born in London, England  She went to Cambridge University

7  As she was growing up she loved animals and dreamt about going to Africa to see some of her favourite animal  At 23 years old she went to Kenya and later moved to Tanzania

8  She observed Chimpanzees communicate through sounds, calls, touch, body language, and facial expressions

9  Jane learned a lot about chimpanzees and made some important discoveries: Tools - Jane observed a chimp using a piece of grass as a tool and saw chimps remove leaves from twigs in order to make a tool. Before this it was thought that only humans used and made tools. Meat eaters - Jane discovered that chimpanzees hunt for meat. They hunt as packs, trap animals and then kill them for food. Personalities - Jane observed many different personalities in the chimps. Some were kind, quiet and generous while others were bullies and aggressive.

10 Thank you for listening I hope you have found this interesting

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