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Set up Page 3 in notebook : Vietnam War Vocabulary LEFT SIDE & RIGHT SIDE: 15 boxes for vocabulary Window Paning 1) First Indochina War 2) Domino theory3)

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Presentation on theme: "Set up Page 3 in notebook : Vietnam War Vocabulary LEFT SIDE & RIGHT SIDE: 15 boxes for vocabulary Window Paning 1) First Indochina War 2) Domino theory3)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Set up Page 3 in notebook : Vietnam War Vocabulary LEFT SIDE & RIGHT SIDE: 15 boxes for vocabulary Window Paning 1) First Indochina War 2) Domino theory3) Geneva Accords 4) Viet Cong5) Americanization 6) Agent Orange7) War of Attrition 8) Credibility gap9) Tinker v. Des Moines 10) Vietnamization11) Vietnam Moratorium 12) Vietnam syndrome13) Vietnam timeline 14) Vietnam veterans15) Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

2 1) First Indochina War p.660 The war between Viet Minh and the French from 1946 to 1954 President Harry Truman sent military aid to French Indochina to block the spread of communism into Vietnam.

3 2) Domino Theory p.659 The belief that if Vietnam fell to the communists, the rest of Southeast Asia would fall like “a row of dominoes” This was one of the main arguments used to support U.S. military involvement in Vietnam.

4 3) Geneva Accords p. 660 The 1954 agreement between France and the Viet Minh to split Vietnam along the 17 th parallel and to schedule national elections in 1956 to reunify Vietnam Led to The end of the First Indochina War The division of Vietnam into two states The departure of the French from Indochina

5 4) Viet Cong p. 660 Communist insurgents in South Vietnam The way the Viet Cong could quickly fade into the landscape greatly frustrated U.S. troops fighting in Vietnam

6 5) Americanization of the Vietnam War p. 667 In March 1965, the U.S. began sending ground troops to fight the Vietnam War. The war quickly became an American conflict. May 1 st is “Loyalty Day” (used to be “Americanization Day”) We will celebrate this at the VFW Retirement Home with colors, the pledge, and flags

7 6) Agent Orange p. 670 An herbicide used by the U.S. military in Vietnam to fill foliage in an effort to deny cover to the enemy To clear forest vegetation that could hide Viet Cong soldiers

8 7) War of Attrition p. 671 A military campaign designed to wear down the enemy’s strength (search-and-destroy method) This is the kind of military campaign General William Westmoreland proposed for the U.S. forces early in the Vietnam conflict

9 8) Credibility Gap p. 679 The difference between the reality of the Vietnam War and the Johnson’s administration’s positive portrayal of it The main impact of the Tet Offensive was that it fueled a credibility gap between what President Lyndon Johnson said about the Vietnam War and what Americans saw on television. Tet Offensive: a major offensive in 1968 by Viet Cong and NVA soldiers that resulted in growing opposition among Americans to the war

10 9) Tinker v. Des Moines p. 676 The Supreme Court ruled that the First Amendment protects the right of students to engage in symbolic speech at school to protest the war.

11 10) Vietnamization p. 682 President Nixon’s policy of having the government of South Vietnam gradually take over the conduct of the war, especially ground combat Lead to decrease in U.S. troops to Vietnam from 1968-1973 550,000: 1968 480,000: 1969 350,000: 1970 150,000: 1971 25,000: 1972

12 11) Vietnam Moratorium p. 684 In 1968 when millions of Americans gathered to protest the Vietnam War.

13 12) Vietnam Syndrome A reluctance to involve U.S. troops in foreign conflicts unless victory seems swift and certain.

14 13) Vietnam Timeline January 1973: U.S., South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and Viet Cong sign Paris Peace Accords March 1973: U.S. combat forces are withdrawn from Vietnam April 1973: North Vietnam releases U.S. POWs March 1975: North Vietnamese forces invade South Vietnam April 1975: South Vietnam’s government falls, ending the long years of war

15 14) Vietnam Veterans Veterans were shunned or ignored by the public.

16 15) Gulf of Tonkin Resolution This empowered President Lyndon Johnson to greatly increase U.S. military involvement in Vietnam

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