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Lesson 1 Your Health and Wellness. Vocabulary Terms Health Wellness Prevention Health Education Healthy People 2010 Health Literacy Chapter 1 Lesson 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 1 Your Health and Wellness. Vocabulary Terms Health Wellness Prevention Health Education Healthy People 2010 Health Literacy Chapter 1 Lesson 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 1 Your Health and Wellness

2 Vocabulary Terms Health Wellness Prevention Health Education Healthy People 2010 Health Literacy Chapter 1 Lesson 1

3 Health The combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well- being. Being healthy means striving to be the best you be at any given time. Chapter 1 Lesson 1

4 Health Continuum Dynamic, or subject to constant change Changes from day to day Emotions shift suddenly from moment to moment Figure 1.1 Wellness: an overall state of well- being, or total health Chapter 1 Lesson 1

5 Promoting Your Health Choosing to wear, eat, and do have personal health consequences Lifestyle factors: habits Habits affect people’s overall health, happiness, and longevity. Personal behaviors related to the way a person lives. Page 6 Chapter 1 Lesson 1

6 Promoting Your Health Prevention: practicing health and safety habits to remain free of disease and injury. Wearing safety belts, applying sunscreen, avoiding unsafe areas Health Education: providing of accurate health information to help people make healthy choices. Chapter 1 Lesson 1

7 Healthy People 2010 Goal of Health Education: give people the tools they need to help them live long, energetic, and productive lives Healthy People 2010: a nationwide health promotion and disease prevention plan designed to serve as a guide for improving the health of all people in the United States Chapter 1 Lesson 1

8 Healthy People 2010 Individuals: can take an active role in their own health Families: can shape the attitudes and beliefs that result in healthful behaviors Communities: can offer behavior- changing classes such as tobacco- cessation programs and provide health services Health Literacy: a person’s capacity to learn about and understand basic health information and services and use these resources to promote his or her health and wellness Health Skills Activity: Page 6 Chapter 1 Lesson 1

9 Choices Make the Difference LeBron has his sights set on getting a football scholarship to college. To prepare for the season, he’s been working out twice a day during the summer. He also has a part- time job, leaving him little free time. Because LeBron is on such a tight schedule, he’s been eating two of his daily meals at the fast food place. He gets home late and finds himself too wound up to sleep. Chapter 1 Lesson 1

10 Assessments Concept Mapping Activity 1 Lesson Quiz 1 Chapter 1 Lesson 1

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