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1 Stacks and Queues Based on D.S. Malik, Java Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures.

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1 1 Stacks and Queues Based on D.S. Malik, Java Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures

2 2 Stacks  Lists of homogeneous elements  Addition and deletion of elements occur only at one end, called the top of the stack  The middle elements of the stack are inaccessible  Computers use stacks to implement method calls  Real life examples?

3 3 Stacks Figure 17-1 Various types of stacks

4 4 Stacks  Stacks are also called Last In First Out (LIFO) data structures  Operations performed on stacks  Push: adds an element to the stack  Pop: removes an element from the stack  Peek: looks at the top element of the stack

5 5 Stacks Figure 17-3 Stack operations

6 6 Stacks Figure 17-4 UML diagram of the interface StackADT

7 7 StackException Class  Adding an element to a full stack and removing an element from an empty stack would generate errors or exceptions  Stack overflow exception  Stack underflow exception  Classes that handle these exceptions  StackException extends RunTimeException  StackOverflowException extends StackException  StackUnderflowException extends StackException

8 8 Implementation of Stacks as Arrays  The array implementing a stack is an array of reference variables  Each element of the stack can be assigned to an array slot  The top of the stack is the index of the last element added to the stack  To keep track of the top position, declare a variable called stackTop

9 9 Implementation of Stacks as Arrays Figure 17-5 UML class diagram of the class StackClass

10 10 Implementation of Stacks as Arrays Figure 17-6 Example of a stack

11 11 Stacks (Methods)  Default constructor public StackClass() { maxStackSize = 100; stackTop = 0; //set stackTop to 0 //create the array list = (T[]) new Object[maxStackSize]; }  Method initializeStack public void initializeStack(){ for (int i = 0; i < stackTop; i++) list[i] = null; stackTop = 0; }

12 12 Stacks (Methods)  Method isEmptyStack public boolean isEmptyStack(){ return (stackTop == 0); }  Method isFullStack public boolean isFullStack() { return (stackTop == maxStackSize); }

13 13 Stacks (Methods)  Method push public void push(T newItem) throws StackOverflowException { if (isFullStack()) throw new StackOverflowException(); list[stackTop] = newItem; //add newItem stackTop++; //increment stackTop }  Method pop public void pop() throws StackUnderflowException { if (isEmptyStack()) throw new StackUnderflowException(); stackTop--; //decrement stackTop list[stackTop] = null; }

14 14 Stacks (Methods)  Method peek public T peek() throws StackUnderflowException { if (isEmptyStack()) throw new StackUnderflowException(); return (T) list[stackTop - 1]; }

15 15 Linked List Implementation of Stacks  Arrays have fixed sizes  Only a fixed number of elements can be pushed onto the stack  Dynamically allocate memory using reference variables  Implement a stack dynamically  Similar to the array representation, stackTop is used to locate the top element  stackTop is now a reference variable

16 16 Linked Implementation of Stacks (continued) Figure 17-13 Nonempty linked stack

17 17 Stacks (Methods)  Default constructor public LinkedStackClass() { stackTop = null; }  Method initializeStack public void initializeStack() { stackTop = null; }

18 18 Stacks (Methods)  Method isEmptyStack public boolean isEmptyStack() { return (stackTop == null); }  Method isFullStack public boolean isFullStack() { return false; }

19 19 Stacks (Methods)  Method push public void push(T newElement) { StackNode newNode; //reference variable newNode = new StackNode (newElement, stackTop); //insert before stackTop stackTop = newNode; }  Method pop public void pop() throws StackUnderflowException { if (stackTop == null) throw new StackUnderflowException(); stackTop =; //advance stackTop }

20 20 Stacks (Methods)  Method peek public T peek() throws StackUnderflowException { if (stackTop == null) throw new StackUnderflowException(); return; }

21 21 Queues  Data structure in which the elements are added at one end, called the rear, and deleted from the other end, called the front.  As in a stack, the middle elements of the queue are inaccessible.  A queue is a First In First Out (FIFO) data structure.

22 22 Queue Operations  Queue operations  initializeQueue  isEmptyQueue  isFullQueue  front  back  addQueue (OR: enqueue)  deleteQueue (OR: dequeue)

23 23 QueueException Class  Adding an element to a full queue and removing an element from an empty queue would generate errors or exceptions  Queue overflow exception  Queue underflow exception  Classes that handle these exceptions  QueueException extends RunTimeException  QueueOverflowException extends QueueException  QueueUnderflowException extends QueueException

24 24 Implementation of Queues as Arrays  Instance variables  An array to store the queue elements  queueFront: keeps track of the first element  queueRear: keeps track of the last element  maxQueueSize : specifies the maximum size of the queues

25 25 Implementation of Queues as Arrays Figure 17-42 Queue after three addQueue operations

26 26 Implementation of Queues as Arrays Figure 17-43 Queue after the deleteQueue operation CORRECTION: queueFront = 1

27 27 Implementation of Queues as Arrays  Problems with this implementation  Arrays have fixed sizes  After various insertion and deletion operations, queueRear will point to the last array position  Giving the impression that the queue is full  Solutions  Slide all of the queue elements toward the first array position  Use a circular array

28 28 Implementation of Queues as Arrays Figure 17-45 Circular queue

29 29 Implementation of Queues as Arrays Figure 17-46 Queue with two elements at positions 98 and 99

30 30 Implementation of Queues as Arrays Figure 17-47 Queue after one more addQueue operation

31 31 Queues (Methods)  Default constructor public QueueClass(){ maxQueueSize = 100; queueFront = 0; queueRear = maxQueueSize - 1; count = 0; list = (T[]) new Object[maxQueueSize]; }  Method initilializeQueue public void initializeQueue(){ for (int i = queueFront; i < queueRear; i = (i + 1) % maxQueueSize) list[i] = null; queueFront = 0; queueRear = maxQueueSize - 1; count = 0; }

32 32 Queues (Methods)  Method isEmptyQueue public boolean isEmptyQueue() { return (count == 0); }  Method isFullQueue public boolean isFullQueue() { return (count == maxQueueSize); }

33 33 Queues (Methods)  Method front public T front() throws QueueUnderflowException { if (isEmptyQueue()) throw new QueueUnderflowException(); return (T) list[queueFront]; }  Method back public T back() throws QueueUnderflowException { if (isEmptyQueue()) throw new QueueUnderflowException(); return (T) list[queueRear]; }

34 34 Enqueue /addQueue  Method addQueue public void addQueue(T queueElement)throws QueueOverflowException { if (isFullQueue()) throw new QueueOverflowException(); //circular array  use % op. to advance queueRear queueRear = (queueRear + 1) % maxQueueSize; count++; list[queueRear] = queueElement; }

35 35 Dequeue /deleteQueue  Method deleteQueue public void deleteQueue() throws QueueUnderflowException { if (isEmptyQueue()) throw new QueueUnderflowException(); count--; list[queueFront] = null; //circular array  use % op. to advance queueFront queueFront = (queueFront + 1) % maxQueueSize; }

36 36 Linked Implementation of Queues  Simplifies many of the special cases of the array implementation  Because the memory to store a queue element is allocated dynamically, the queue is never full  Class LinkedQueueClass implements a queue as a linked data structure  It uses nodes of type QueueNode

37 37 Queues (Methods)  Method initializeQueue public void initializeQueue(){ queueFront = null; queueRear = null; }  Method isEmptyQueue public boolean isEmptyQueue(){ return (queueFront == null); }  Method isFullQueue public boolean isFullQueue(){ return false; }

38 38 Enqueue / addQueue  Method addQueue public void addQueue(T newElement) { QueueNode newNode; newNode = new QueueNode (newElement, null); if (queueFront == null) {//empty list? queueFront = newNode; queueRear = newNode; } else { //not empty  add newNode at the end = newNode; queueRear =; }

39 39 Queues (Methods)  Method front public T front() throws QueueUnderflowException { if (isEmptyQueue()) throw new QueueUnderflowException(); return; }  Method back public T back() throws QueueUnderflowException { if (isEmptyQueue()) throw new QueueUnderflowException(); return; }

40 40 Dequeue / deleteQueue  Method deleteQueue public void deleteQueue() throws QueueUnderflowException { if (isEmptyQueue()) throw new QueueUnderflowException(); //advance queueFront queueFront =; //if after deletion the queue is empty if (queueFront == null) queueRear = null; }

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