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VERSIONS OF DNA. DNAChromatinChromosomeChromatid Genetic Information in a Double Helix DNA wrapped around a Protein Chromatin wrapped in a supercoil One.

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2 DNAChromatinChromosomeChromatid Genetic Information in a Double Helix DNA wrapped around a Protein Chromatin wrapped in a supercoil One half of the Chromosome



5  What are some reasons why cells divide?  Replacement o Red blood cells live approximately 10 days o Stomach and cheek cells live less than a day o Most nerve and brain cells live your entire life  Growth  Regeneration  Too big (more on that later) WHY CELLS DIVIDE

6  All cells have the same genes (information)  So how do they become different?  Gene activation (differentiation)  As a cell differentiates, some genes are turned on and some are turned off  Like a computer with all information, but only certain programs are turned on, others are off DIFFERENTIATION

7  Undifferentiated cells (their job is to become special cells when needed) STEM CELLS

8  Embryonic  Obtained from fertilized eggs left over from in vitro fertilization (IVF)  Controversial  Adult  Both children and adults have them in specific areas (niche) to divide and differentiate when needed  Not as programmable as embryonic stem cells TYPES OF STEM CELLS


10  Series of events the cell goes through as they grow and divide  Starts when a new cell is formed  Cell grows, DNA replicates (synthesis), cell grows, cell divides into 2 new cells (exact copies) CELL CYCLE


12  Growth and division of somatic (body) cells to produce 2 identical cells. MITOSIS

13  Beginning of Mitosis  1 cell grows PROPHASE

14  Chromosomes line up in the middle METAPHASE

15  Chromatids move towards opposite sides ANAPHASE

16  Mitosis ends  2 cells form TELOPHASE

17  Cytoplasm divides to form 2 identical cells CYTOKINESIS


19  Growth and division of gamete (sex) cells to produce 4 different cells.

20 MEIOSIS = REPRODUCTION  Why is this important? Species survival  Two types:  Sexual  2 parents  Sperm + Egg  Zygote  Example: humans  Asexual  1 parent  Single-celled organisms divide into 2 cells (mitosis)  Example: yeast, bacteria

21 COMPARISON Mitosis  1 division  1 cell  2 identical cells  For growth and repair  Occurs all over the body Meiosis  2 divisions  1 cell  4 different cells  For production of gametes  Happens only in sex cells


23  Begins when there is a disruption during mitosis  Cells divide uncontrollably  New cells for incorrectly (mutations) CANCER

24  Mass of cancer cells  Benign: overgrown, but normal  Malignant: cells are abnormal and invade other parts of the body TUMOR

25 Tumors (Neoplasms)


27 SYMPTOMS  A thickening or lump in an area  Obvious change in a wart or mole  A sore that does not heal  Nagging cough/hoarseness  Changes in bowel/bladder habits  Ingestion/difficulty swallowing  Unexplained changes in weight  Unusual bleeding/discharge **Not all of these symptoms mean a person has cancer, they can have other causes

28 TREATMENT  Surgery  Chemotherapy  Radiation  Hormone therapy  Biological therapy

29 PREVENTION  Living a healthy lifestyle  No smoking, eating right, exercise, avoiding excessive sunlight  Awareness of disease/family history  Regular check-ups  Screenings

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