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English Writing Week Fifteen 1. Weekly clips  video/project-in-cambodia-finds-success-in- improving-nutrition/2798417.html

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2 English Writing Week Fifteen

3 1. Weekly clips  video/project-in-cambodia-finds-success-in- improving-nutrition/2798417.html video/project-in-cambodia-finds-success-in- improving-nutrition/2798417.html 

4 3

5 4

6 5

7 6 Read each introductory paragraph and set of topic sentences for body paragraphs. Then circle the best concluding paragraphs.

8 7

9 8 Reread the thesis statements and the topic sentences that you wrote in Practice 3. Add a transition signal to each sentence.

10 9 Complete the outline of its main points, subtopics, and details. Write out topic sentences in full. Use full sentences for main points and subtopics, but use phrases for details. In Asian countries, faces reveal less emotion, less quickly Direct eye contact if interested; unblinking eyes if bored, distracted, angry, or defensive In Latin America, looking down used for respect

11 10 The gestures that people make with their heads, shoulders, arms, and hands are another important means of communicating. In Bulgaria, shaking means “Yes”; nodding means “No” A shrug has various means in Western culture. Shows lack of interest Many cultures, “O” means “everything is OK”; in France and Belgium means “zero” / “worthless”, in Japan symbolizes money; in Russia, Brazil, and Turkey is an insult Complete the outline of its main points, subtopics, and details. Write out topic sentences in full. Use full sentences for main points and subtopics, but use phrases for details.

12 11 Like personal space around them Rarely hold hands Complete the outline of its main points, subtopics, and details. Write out topic sentences in full. Use full sentences for main points and subtopics, but use phrases for details.

13 12 Replace the boldfaced words with the formal vocabulary. various provides regarding typically serves significant sufficient estimate somewhat extended determine

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