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Your university or experiment logo here Storage and Data Management - Background Jens Jensen, STFC.

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Presentation on theme: "Your university or experiment logo here Storage and Data Management - Background Jens Jensen, STFC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your university or experiment logo here Storage and Data Management - Background Jens Jensen, STFC

2 PICS FROM YESTERDAY guid:723ce86b-8e2f-4b6e-97cb-db2fb1622a66

3 Overview “Support the deployment and operation of Grid storage and data management middleware to enable every GridPP site to meet the needs of the its users and the site’s obligations” Storage and Data Managament Group –Three supporters – Wahid Bhimji (Ed), Sam Skipsey (Gla), Brian Davies (RAL) –“hard core” of ~15 people attending weekly meetings –~70-80 people on mailing list (mostly T2s), from 10 dif. countries –Blog – –Wiki – –Contributions to WLCG (eg TEGs) “Finding” the Higgs was useful –“We did that – and we support other research, too.”

4 Technologies SRM –DPM –StoRM –dCache –(CASTOR) Storage information systems –CIP and GIPs in BDIIs Data movers –FTS (Catalogues) –(LFC)

5  Technologies WebDAV (RFC4918) – HEP case is read only –(Study by C.T.Cirstea, Eindhoven) –Uses HTTP (RFC2616), adds a few commands –HEP: only using PROP commands NFS4 –Local access protocol –Instead of RFIO and DCAP Future of SRM... –Data access –Data transfer –Data control –Data information –“Reserved space”

6 Services for VOs Help getting “onto the grid” –Often local (like Campus Champions, except more ad hoc) –Supporting VO data model Syncat Performance tuning –Storage systems Large VOs and small VOs –ATLAS – fairly well represented –CMS – usu. via sites? –LHCb – “no data at T2s” –ALICE in T1/experiment meetings –Non-LHC VOs – Wedn. meetings

7 Stuff Lots of expertise in the group –How do we best make use of it? DPM support –See Wahid’s presentation –A Plan exists Information Systems –Accuracy of publishing –The need for EGI-compliant GLUE 2 publishing Supporting the experiments Storage “federations” Future data management –Lots of EU funded projects (and proposals) –Cloud storage – people will ask...

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