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1 Booster Corrector BPM Status AD/ Instrumentation Jim Fitzgerald.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Booster Corrector BPM Status AD/ Instrumentation Jim Fitzgerald."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Booster Corrector BPM Status AD/ Instrumentation Jim Fitzgerald

2 2 Booster Corrector BPM Status (Original Specs.) Design and Procure Booster Corrector BPM with Following requirements. Non Std. Beam tube OD, magnet aperture 5.46 in BPM will be mounted inside of multiple pole corrector magnet. Booster Corrector Magnet BPM inside aperture not less than 4.5 in. BPM plates to be on X and Y Axis. BPM connectors to be offset 15 deg to fit between magnet coils. Connectors to be on left side of orientation.

3 3 Booster Corrector BPM Status Original specs. Cont. Plates to grounded internally. Overall Length 17.5 in. Provide for Locating and Indexing BPM to Magnet Poles. All Materials to be: Highly Radiation Resistant Have Extremely low Vacuum out-gassing Non Magnetic, very low Magnetic Perm.

4 4 Corrector BPM Prototype No. 4 (Final Design, different from original Specs.) Odd size Beam tube found and procured. 5.375 OD, Material 316,.125 wall thickness Tubing annealed to improve Magnetic Perm. Permeability near 1.01 including weld seam BPM Length now 14.313 in. Four Plates 70 deg each, located on x-y axis. Plates located by PEEK insulating ring support. Plates internally un-grounded, capacitive. Coax connectors on line with plates and magnet coils. Connectors now on Right side of magnet orientation.

5 5 One of the First Corrector Magnet Prototypes

6 6 Corrector BPM Plates showing “PEEK” Plastic Insulators

7 7 BPM Locating Key, One of Four

8 8 Corrector BPM, Final Version, one of three Made at Fermilab

9 9 BPM Test Stand, two Booster Corrector BPMs

10 10 Sensitivity and Offset Measurement, Plots of Test Stand Data

11 11 Grid Point Pattern Measured on Test Stand

12 12 BPM Sensitivity :.58 dB/mm Offset :.14 mm A Least Sq. Fit to All data Points

13 13 Test Sand Meas. Prototype No. 3 cont.

14 14

15 15 Booster Corrector Magnet, Showing Key Pocket And ID with Potting Material Covering Laminations

16 16 Booster Corrector Magnet and BPM Keys

17 17 Booster Corrector Magnet and With BPM Installed in Proper Place.

18 18

19 19 BPM Status 6/21/07 Three production design BPMs fabricated at Fermilab One delivered to Mech. Support for Installation. One in Inst. BPM test stand. One at IB2 Magnet assembly area. Production at HiTech on schedule for delivery of Min. of 30 BPM by July 20.

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