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After the War: Industrialization New Inventions Change America.

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Presentation on theme: "After the War: Industrialization New Inventions Change America."— Presentation transcript:

1 After the War: Industrialization New Inventions Change America

2 Natural Resources Spark Industrialization Oil & gas – 1840: Kerosene distilled from oil, used to fuel lamps – 1859: Edwin Drake uses steam- powered drill to reach oil beneath Earth’s surface.

3 – Oil boom hits PA, KY, IL, IN, & OH. – Findlay, Bowling Green were atop largest known oilfield on Earth. – Natural gas used to power much of N. Ohio

4 – Refineries convert oil to gas & kerosene – Biggest refinery cities were CLE & PIT –! Standard Oil Refinery #1, CLE

5 Steel – Bessemer Process (1850): Superheat iron and blow air in to remove carbon. – Upper Great Lakes had reserves of iron … and coal to superheat.

6 Upper Midwest Reserves

7 We weren’t embarassed!

8 RR was biggest customer for steel Strong enough to be used in construction – 1st skyscraper – Brooklyn Bridge – Bigger, faster ships

9 PROBLEM! What did all of the oil & steel factories need to be near? 1. Resources (oil, coal, iron) 2. Water (Transport, power)

10 Inventions Change Lives Electricity – 1880: Edison patents lightbulb – 1890: Cities in the N. begin electrifying lights, streetcars, equipment. – Meant factories could locate anywhere, not just near rivers.

11 Thomas Edison

12 Communications Revolution Typewriter (1867) made better record- keeping possible & easier carbon copies. Telephone (1876): Improved communications in & among cities. It was much easier to work w/ businesses across town, state, nation. Allowed smaller cities to grow

13 1876 Bell Telephone

14 For the people… Living conditions change –Used to live on farms, now in gray cities! –Women, kids used to stay home, now work –Used to live in houses, now in apartments –Used to trade, now earn & spend money

15 Working conditions change –Used to work outdoors, now indoors –Used to farm & have flexible hours (worked around nature’s schedule, now have set hours & work on a clock. –Jobs more dangerous with large machinery, no safety rules –Used to be guaranteed at least food & shelter – now, no guarantees!

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