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DNA and Genetics. The Structure of DNA Chromosomes are made of DNA. Each chromosome contains thousands of genes. The sequence of bases in a gene forms.

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Presentation on theme: "DNA and Genetics. The Structure of DNA Chromosomes are made of DNA. Each chromosome contains thousands of genes. The sequence of bases in a gene forms."— Presentation transcript:

1 DNA and Genetics

2 The Structure of DNA Chromosomes are made of DNA. Each chromosome contains thousands of genes. The sequence of bases in a gene forms a code that tells the cell what protein to produce.

3 A Complex Molecule The shape of the molecule is like a twisted zipper. It is called a double helix. The scientist that discovered DNA and its shape realized that smaller molecules of DNA bond together and form this double helix shape.

4 The Genetic Code Genes and DNA: A gene is a section of DNA molecule that contains the information to code for one specific protein. Order of the Bases: The order of the nitrogen bases along a gene forms a genetic code that specifies what type of protein will be produced. Adenine (A) Cytosine (C) Thymine (T) Guanine (G)

5 How Cells Make Proteins Replication: the process of copying a DNA molecule to make another DNA molecule which produces identical strands of DNA. The Role of RNA: The genetic messenger, RNA, must first carry the genetic code from the DNA inside the nucleus into the cytoplasm. It is also made of nucleotides. Types of RNA: Messenger RNA, Transfer RNA, and ribosomal RNA. The process of making protein from RNA is called translation.

6 Translating the Code To make proteins, messenger RNA copies information from DNA in the nucleus. Messenger RNA and Transfer RNA then use this information to produce proteins.

7 Mutations A mutation is any change in a gene or chromosome. It can cause a cell to produce an incorrect protein during translation. As a result, the organism’s trait, or phenotype, may be different from what it normally would have been. The word comes from a Latin word that means “change.”

8 Types of Mutations During DNA Replication: -A cell can end up with too many or too few chromosomes -A cell can also end up with extra segments of chromosomes.

9 Effects of Mutations Good : can be a source of genetic variety. » Antibiotic resistance in bacteria Harmful: if it reduces its chance for survival and reproduction. Odd fur coloring that makes it stand out in its environment

10 Homework Read and add to notes pages 174-180. Test is on Friday, May 8. We will go over your notes in class tomorrow. Study!!!

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