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Medical Terminology Visual Study Guide Use these questions and images to help reinforce your understanding of the terms we have learned! 1.You are at the.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Terminology Visual Study Guide Use these questions and images to help reinforce your understanding of the terms we have learned! 1.You are at the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Terminology Visual Study Guide Use these questions and images to help reinforce your understanding of the terms we have learned! 1.You are at the hospital, and overhear a doctor say “hemolysis” when talking to your neighbor. Your neighbor turns to you and asks, “What in the world is hemolysis?” What do you tell him? __________________________________________

2 2.“Gastr/o” is the medical root word that means ______________________________.

3 3. The meaning of the medical suffix “-itis” is __________. Allergic Contact Dermatitis Arthritis

4 4. This is a picture of a white blood cell. What is the correct medical term? A.Erythrocyte B.Leukocyte C.Melanocyte D.Cyanocyte

5 5. A neurologist is a doctor that specializes in treating which of the following body parts? A. B. C.

6 6. The medical term for a red blood cell is _____________. -cyte Leuk/o Melan/o Erythr/o Cyan/o -emia poly- -megaly -lysis -ic

7 7. Use the word parts from the word bank to correctly write the medical term that means “softening of the cartilage.” Cutane/o Crani/o Chondr/o Dermat/o -itis - malacia - oma -logist

8 8. Jeff had an intracranial hematoma as a result of his recent motorcycle wreck. What is an intracranial hematoma? A.A collection of cells within the brain B.A swollen area filled with blood, inside of the skull C.A swollen area filled with pus, inside the colon

9 9.What kind of doctor would specialize in treating cancer? A.Herpatologist B.Neurologist C.Oncologist D.Nephrologist

10 10. What is blepharoplasty? _____________________________

11 The medical root word for blood is __________________. 11.

12 12. The medical root word for electricity is _____________. Bonus: What is the medical term for “a record of the electrical activity of the heart?” _________________

13 13. A recording of the electrical activity of the heart is _________. A.An electrocardiogram B.An electroencephalogram C.An electrographicalcardy

14 14. This is the medical term for an enlarged liver. A.Hepatomegaly B.Hyperhepatitis C.Thrombophlebitis D.Otolaryngitis

15 15. Using the word bank, write the medical term that means “surgical removal of the gallbladder.” End/o -ectomy Cholecyst/o -itis -plasty Yes, you have to spell it correctly, and use the combining vowel correctly __________________________

16 16. A surgical opening in the trachea (windpipe) is often used to help people breathe when they have had throat cancer, or need long term assistance breathing. What is the term that means “surgical opening in the trachea?” A.Tracheostomy B.Tracheoscopy C.Tracheoplasty D.Tracheology

17 17. Tylenol is in a class of drugs known as “antipyretic.” Based on your knowledge of medical word parts, what does the term “antipyretic” mean? A.Relieves runny nose B.Reduces or eliminates fever C.Makes the skin soft

18 18.The term “psychopathy” can best be defined as….. A.Disease of the mind B.Disease of the skull C.Disease of the intestine D.Disease of the bladder

19 19. Pneumonia is a condition that affects which of the following body parts? A. B. C.

20 20.Osteoporosis is a condition that affects what body part? __________________

21 21. An abnormal condition that causes paralysis on one side of the body, for instance, after a stroke, is called ___________________________________. Hypo- Hyper- Hemi- Lith- -lysis -plegia -rrhea -ac -lysis - uria

22 22. A nephrologist is a specialist that treats __________________.

23 23. Thrombolysis, often achieved through the use of thrombolytic medications, can be life saving. A thrombolytic medication is designed to ______________. A.Digest food B.Break up a blood clot C.Reduce depression and anxiety

24 24. The picture shows an electrocardiogram reading of someone with “a condition of a slow heart” beat. What would the doctor write in the patient’s medical record? The patient is suffering from _________________. Tachy- -pnea Brady- -cardia Chondr/o -emia

25 25. The electrocardiogram below shows a recording from a patient with a condition of a fast heart beat. What would we call this condition? _____________________________ Tachy- -pnea Brady- -cardia Chondr/o -emia

26 26. The term arthralgia could be used to describe which of the following patients? A.A 15-year-old soccer player suffering from sore muscles after practice. B.A 40-year-old retired football player suffering from pain in his joints. C.A 60-year-old woman suffering from frequent headaches and nausea.

27 27. An otoscope is an instrument a doctor would use to __________________. A.Examine the colon B.Examine the ear C. Examine the mouth D. Examine the stomach

28 28.Infection in the bladder, or injury, can cause a condition of having blood in the urine. What is the medical term for this condition? ________________________________________ -emia Hyper- -uria Hemat/o Cardi/o -malacia erythr/o Leuk/o -itis

29 29. Necrosis is a term that means A.Death of tissue B.Blood clot C.Spinal cord 30. What term means “to examine the colon?” A.Colonosocopy B.Colostomy C.Endoscopy

30 Matching Match the following words and word parts with their meanings. 31. ______ Arteri/oA. muscle 32.______ EnterocolitisB. inflammation of the colon and intestines 33.______ IntravenousC. Fungus 34.______ Myc/oD. Difficulty breathing 35.______ DyspneaE. Within the vein 36.______ My/oF. Artery

31 Intravenous fluids (IV) being given to a dog. Arteries and veins This man may be experiencing dyspnea.

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