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Noson Agored Rhieni Blwyddyn Derbyn 2007 Open Evening For parents who have children starting in the reception class.

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1 Noson Agored Rhieni Blwyddyn Derbyn 2007 Open Evening For parents who have children starting in the reception class

2 Dyma Adran y Babanod. The Infants Deparment.

3 Yr Adran Iau The Junior Department

4 Mae’r ysgol yn cychwyn am 9 o’r gloch. School begins at 9 o’clock. Mae’r drysau yn agor am 8:50. Gofynnwn i chwi aros gyda’ch plentyn tan hyn. The doors are opened at 8:50. We ask that you stay with your child until this time.

5 Amser llaeth ganol y bore Milk time mid morning

6 Anogwn y plant i ddod a darn o ffrwyth i’w fwyta yn ystod egwyl y bore. Mae’n syniad da i roi enw eich plentyn ar ei ffrwyth. We encourage the children to bring a piece of fruit to eat in their morning break. It is a good idea to put your child’s name on the fruit.

7 Bydd y plant meithrin yn mynd adref am 11:30. Dewch i du blaen yr ysgol i gyfarfod eich plentyn. The nursery children will be going home at 11:30. Come to the front door to meet your child.

8 Amser cinio12:00Dinner time Gall eich plentyn fwyta cinio ysgol neu ddod a bocs bwyd ei hun. Your child can eat school dinners or bring a lunch box. £8.50 yr wythnos per week Gallwch dalu ar ddydd Llun neu ar ddydd Gwener. You can pay on Mondays or Fridays.

9 Yr ardd lysiau The vegetable plot Bydd llysiau mae’r plant wedi tyfu yn yr ardd yn cael eu coginio gan y gogyddes i ginio. Vegetables which the children have grown will be prepared by the cook for dinner.

10 Amser chwarae Playtime 10:30 – 10:45 2:10 – 2:25 Mae 2 oedolyn yn goruchwylio’r plant bob amser chwarae. There are 2 adults supervising the children every playtime.

11 Gwisg ysgol School uniform Er nad yw yn orfodol mae’r mwyafrif o rieni yn dewis gwisgo’u plant yn y wisg ysgol. Mae’r prisiau yn rhesymol a gallwch archebu’r wisg drwy’r ysgol. Although not compulsory the majority of parents opt for the school uniform. They are reasonably priced and can be ordered through the school. Crys polo £8.50 Polo shirt Crys chwys £9.00 Sweat shirt

12 Bydd plant adran y babanod yn mynd adref am 3:15. Byddant yn cael eu gollwng o’r cyntedd pan fyddwch wedi cyrraedd tu blaen yr ysgol. Children in the infant department go home at 3:15. They will leave by the front entrance when you have arrived at the front of the school.

13 Mae plant yn dysgu mwy yn eu pum mlynedd cyntaf nag ar unrhyw adeg arall yn eu bywyd. Yn y blynyddoedd cynnar rydyn ni’n gosod sylfeini i bob dysgu yn y dyfodol. Children learn more during the first five years than at any other time in their lives. In the early years we are laying the foundations for all future learning. Pan fydd y plant yn dechrau’r ysgol mae’n nhw’n cael amrywiaeth eang o weithgareddau chwarae pwrpasol i’w helpu i ddatblygu. When children begin school they are given a whole range of purposeful play activities which help them to develop. Adeiladu. Coginio. Gwisgo. Chwarae a dwr a thywod. Gwneud modelau. Torri a gludo modelau. Building. Dressing up. Cooking. Water and sand play. Modelling. Cutting and sticking materials

14 Amcanion a Nodau Hyrwyddo Datblygiad Cymdeithasol y plentyn. Hyrwyddo Datblygiad Emosiynol y plentyn. Hyrwyddo datblygiad corfforol y plentyn. Hyrwyddo datblygiad deallusol y plentyn. Aims and Objectives To promote the child’s social development. To promote the child’s emotional development. To promote the child’s physical develoment. To promote the child’s intellectual development.






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