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1 Visual Studio.NET.NET as a Teaching Tool John D. Haney John M. Lovely Northern Arizona University College of Business Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Visual Studio.NET.NET as a Teaching Tool John D. Haney John M. Lovely Northern Arizona University College of Business Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Visual Studio.NET.NET as a Teaching Tool John D. Haney John M. Lovely Northern Arizona University College of Business Administration

2 Visual Studio.NET2 CIS at NAU/CBA Application Development Database Design and Administration System Administration Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) –SAP

3 Visual Studio.NET3 History of CIS 220 Application Development I Languages –Basic –Visual Basic –Java –Visual Basic –Visual Basic.NET

4 Visual Studio.NET4 History of CIS 221 Application Development II Languages –COBOL –Java –C#.NET

5 Visual Studio.NET5 Clear Articulation CIS 220 Basic Visual Basic Java Visual Basic VB.NET CIS 221 COBOL Java C#.NET

6 6 Visual Studio.NET The key to success

7 Visual Studio.NET7 What is Visual Studio.NET? Visual Studio.NET is a comprehensive tool set for rapidly building and integrating XML Web services, Microsoft Windows®– based applications, and Web solutions.

8 Visual Studio.NET8 The.NET Framework C#VBC++… Common Language Specifications ASP.NETWindows Form Data management - ADO.NET and XML Base Class Library Common Language Runtime Host OS

9 Visual Studio.NET9 Advantages of Visual Studio.NET Integrated Design Environment Choice of GUI’s –Windows and Web Choice of Languages –VB, C++, C#, Asp Universal concepts Syntactic help for code Robust Applications Common Language Runtime

10 Visual Studio.NET10 Visual Studio.NET Solution Folders –Established at the beginning of the project –One or more projects Fully Object Oriented Strict data typing and data conversion ODBC and ADO for database interface Compiled Code but Debug allows you to step through the execution to watch data flow.

11 Visual Studio.NET11 Student Orientation Impatient Expect instant success with minimal effort Comfortable in an interactive environment Have a wide diversity of backgrounds in IS/IT May/not be able to think logically and sequentially

12 Visual Studio.NET12 Students want to “Get something running.” Project Identification and Selection Project Initiation and Planning Analysis Physical Design Implementation Maintenance Logical Design

13 Visual Studio.NET13 “P1World” The.NET IDE –Solution Folder –Project Files –Naming conventions –Objects and Controls –Events –Documentation WebCT –Assignment Dropbox –.zip files

14 Visual Studio.NET14 P11Mail Multi Form Object oriented Inherited classes Data Storage –Flat file –Database Login – Welcome Printed Invoice Sales summary

15 Visual Studio.NET15 Scope of Topics in 220 Windows form Control objects and events Variables, Constants, and Calculations Decision Structures Called Procedures and Functions Object Oriented Programming Iterations – Lists, Loops, and Printing Arrays, Structures, and Select Case Access Database and Data files

16 Visual Studio.NET16

17 Visual Studio.NET17 Scope of Topics in 221 Continuation of Object Oriented Programming –Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism Continuation of Graphical User Interface Sequential File usage –Comma Delimited –Creation (Data Validation) (GUI input) –File In - File Out (Selection)

18 Visual Studio.NET18 Scope of Topics in 221 Database Usage –Retrieval (Display in textboxes, use of array) –Retrieval (Display in data grid, allow update) –Update (Add, change, delete, query)

19 Visual Studio.NET19 Examples Sequential File usage –File In - File Out Database Usage –Retrieval (Display in textboxes, use of array) –Retrieval (Display in data grid, allow update)

20 Visual Studio.NET20 Summary Visual Studio.NET –Common development environment for Windows applications or web applications Languages (VB, C#) Ease of use for beginners (CIS220) Robust for intermediate (CIS221) and advanced development (CIS440)

21 Visual Studio.NET21

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