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Elizabethan Sports and Recreation By: Ally Murray, Ahmad Newsome, Katrina Lothamer and Drew Douglas.

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Presentation on theme: "Elizabethan Sports and Recreation By: Ally Murray, Ahmad Newsome, Katrina Lothamer and Drew Douglas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elizabethan Sports and Recreation By: Ally Murray, Ahmad Newsome, Katrina Lothamer and Drew Douglas

2 Fencing

3 Fencing

4 Bowls The game of bowls (bowling) dates back to the 13 th century. Some very famous players of the game bowls are King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth. The point of the game then was to roll the ball at your opponents cone and the first person to knock over the cone usually won. There were also other styles of bowls. There’s four corners, Kayles, and Bocce.

5 Bowls

6 Maw Elizabethan sports and games had a lot of violence and were considered very bloody. But not all sports and games had to deal with violence. The Elizabethan period also played many card games. One popular card game was Maw. Maw is of Gaelic origin. It was said to be James VI of Scotland’s favorite game. The earliest records of this game are from around 1551. To start play, each player is dealt five cards from a normal 52-card deck. The top card of the remaining is turned up to determine trump. The cards in the trump suit rank five, then jack, then ace of hearts regardless of the trump suit. Then ace of trump (if not hearts), king and queen. Now, depending on the color of the trump suit the remaining cards will be ranked different. For red they are ranked 10 down to 2 and for black they are ranked 2 to 10. Non trump cards are similarly ranked.

7 Maw continued Play commences with the person to the dealers left. This person plays a card and all the other players take turns playing a card of the same suit if they have it. If they do not have the suit they may play a trump. If no trump can be played then play any card. They need not play the 5 & jack of trump or the ace of hearts if they do not desire. Lesser trump must be played if the player is void in a suit.

8 Maw

9 Hurling Hurling was one of the more popular team sports during the Elizabethan time. It is a combination of polo and hockey. Although, some men played on foot and some men on horseback. Each men had a club or a stick and tried to hit a ball over the opponents goal. The goals could be miles apart.

10 Hurling

11 Other Favorite Pastimes Jousting Archery Gameball Dice Hammer throw Quarter Staff Contests Hawking Hunting Battledore Pall Mall Quiot Skittles Wrestling Bear and Bull Baiting Dog and Cock Fighting

12 Works Cited Alchin, L.K. "Elizabethan Sports." Elizabethan Era (2005): n. pag. Web. 3 Dec 2009.. "Elizabethan Era." Thinkquest n. pag. Web. 3 Dec 2009.. Price, Diana. "Shakespeare's Authorship and Questions of Evidence." eLibrary. 2005. Copyright Millennium Press, Inc, Web. 3 Dec 2009.. "Simple Games." Elizabethan Era. Web. 3 Dec 2009.. "Sports, Games and Leisure." Era of Elegance n. pag. Web. 3 Dec 2009.. Joseph Strutt, The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, (1801), edited and enlarged by J. Charles Cox (1903) Charles Cotton, The Compleat Gamester,(1674; 1930). J. R. Green and Kate Norgate, editors, A Short History of the English People, (1894) Lilly C. Stone, English Sports and Recreations, (1960; 1979) "Calcio Fiorentino." Nation Master. Web. 4 Dec 2009..

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