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South African Team Frank Matose & Rick Rohde: Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), University of the Western Cape Nicky Allsopp: Agricultural.

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Presentation on theme: "South African Team Frank Matose & Rick Rohde: Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), University of the Western Cape Nicky Allsopp: Agricultural."— Presentation transcript:

1 South African Team Frank Matose & Rick Rohde: Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), University of the Western Cape Nicky Allsopp: Agricultural Research Council: Range and Forage Unit

2 Rural Sociology and Development Studies Specialist in governance and policy issues in natural resource management Understanding the contribution of people centred approaches to conservation, natural resource management and development for policy makers, managers and communities Project and process management of a regional project on community based natural resource management in Southern Africa Policy processes in natural resource management Frank Matose

3 Matose, F. 2006. “Co-management options for reserved forests in Zimbabwe and beyond: Policy implications of forest management strategies”. Forest policy and economics 8: 363-374. Mutimukuru, T., Nyirenda, R. and Matose, F. 2005. Learning amongst ourselves: Adaptive forest management through social learning in Zimbabwe. In: The Equitable Forest: Diversity, Community, and Resource Management, edited by Carol J. Pierce Colfer. Washington, DC: Resource for the Future; Bogor: CIFOR. pp 186-204. In preparation as a book: Matose, F. Mandondo, A. and Prabhu, R (eds.). Adaptive management in Zimbabwe: What prospects for policy change? Book in press for publication with RFF (Resources for the Future based in Washington, DC.)

4 Social Anthropologist Environmental history, historical ecology and environmental justice in southern Africa, Tanzania and Scotland Visual anthropology projects in Namibia Livestock breeding research in Scotland Agricultural produce (fine fibre, shellfish) marketing cooperatives founder Producer groups association founder Various farming activities in northwest Scotland Coordinator for social science component of EC STREP project - Global Change and Ecosystems: Floodwater Recharge of Alluvial Aquifers in Dryland Environments (WADE). Rick Rohde

5 Rohde, R.F., Moleele, N.M., Mphale, M., Allsopp, N., Chanda, R., Hoffman, M.T., Magole, L. & Young, E. 2006. Dynamics of grazing policy and practice: environmental and social impacts in three communal areas of Southern Africa. Environmental Science and Policy, 9, 302-316 Benjaminsen, T.A., Rohde, R., Sjaastad, E., Wisborg, P., Lebert, T., 2006. Land reform, range ecology and carrying capacity in Namaqualand, South Africa. Ann. Assoc. Am. Geogr. 96, 524- 554. Wisborg, P., Rohde, R.F., 2005. Contested land tenure reform in South Africa : the Namaqualand experience. Development Southern Africa 22(3): 407-425. Sullivan, S., Rohde, R.F., 2002. On non-equilibrium in arid and semi-arid grazing systems. Journal of Biogeography 29, 1-26.

6 Botany: rangeland ecology Impacts of land use on biophysical processes (soils, seedling recruitment and establishment, mycorrhizas) Rehabilitation of vegetation of degraded dryland systems Understanding objectives, practices and local knowledge of livestock keepers on the Commons Informing the development of municipal rangeland management and policy Informing a Conservation International biodiversity conservation initiative in Namaqualand Facilitation of household based food gardens project Nicky Allsopp

7 Allsopp, N., Laurent, C., Debeaudoin, L.M.C., Samuels, M.I., 2007. Environmental perceptions and practices of livestock keepers on the Namaqualand Commons challenge conventional rangeland management. Journal of Arid Environments in press B. Cousins, M.T. Hoffman, N. Allsopp, R.F. Rohde 2007. A synthesis of sociological and biological perspectives on sustainable land use in Namaqualand. Journal of Arid Environments in press Allsopp, N., Gaika, L., Knight, R, Monakisi, C. & Hoffman, M.T. The impact of heavy grazing on an ephemeral river system in the succulent karoo, South Africa. (submitted Journal of Arid Environments). Samuels, I., Allsopp, N. & Knight, R. 2007. Patterns of resource use by livestock during and after drought on the commons of Namaqualand, South Africa. Journal of Arid Environments in press

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