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SHARP Trainer Training Day 1. SHARP Project Overview of Day 1 n Session 1: Introduction; working knowledge seminar n Session 2: Creating shareable representations.

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Presentation on theme: "SHARP Trainer Training Day 1. SHARP Project Overview of Day 1 n Session 1: Introduction; working knowledge seminar n Session 2: Creating shareable representations."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHARP Trainer Training Day 1

2 SHARP Project Overview of Day 1 n Session 1: Introduction; working knowledge seminar n Session 2: Creating shareable representations n Session 3: Asynchronous multimedia conferencing n Session 4: Pedagogical strategies; implementation issues

3 SHARP Project Follow-on activity: on-line and Day 2 n On-line activity: structured tasks over 3 weeks n Follow up workshop (Day 2)

4 SHARP Project Session 1 Overview n Aims of the session n The problem of inert knowledge n Working knowledge n The SHARP approach

5 SHARP Project The problem of inert knowledge n Learning without understanding n Obstacles to recalling knowledge n Learning abstractions out of context n Problems of transferring knowledge to new problem-solving contexts

6 SHARP Project Working knowledge n Not (just) vocationally-oriented n Active knowledge n Applicable knowledge n Knowledge bound up in working practices

7 SHARP Project Solutions to the problem of inert knowledge n Anchored instruction n Distributed communities of practice

8 SHARP Project Creating shareable representations of practice n Definition of practice n Tacit knowledge embedded in practices n Representations vs ‘actuality’ n Understanding both the process and the technology of representation

9 SHARP Project Sharing and discussing representations of practice n AMC n Kinds of representation n A ‘web’ of representations and annotations

10 SHARP Project Activity for Session 1 n In small sub-groups (30 minutes) n Report back in plenary session (30 minutes) n Your task: –identify major issues involved in representing working practices in your field (see next slide)

11 SHARP Project Task details n consider some examples of ‘key’ working practices in your own field(s) n decide upon one (each) n what would be entailed in representing the practice and articulating the tacit ‘working knowledge’ embedded in it n discuss whether and how such knowledge is currently made available to learners

12 SHARP Project Report back should cover n Examples of key working practices n Descriptions of the working knowledge embedded in the practice n Accounts of how such knowledge is currently made available to learners n Problems and issues

13 SHARP Project Session 2 briefing n Aims of the session n Importance of practical experience n Example: videoclips n One clip from each subgroup for the plenary

14 SHARP Project Session 4 Overview n Pedagogical framework of the SHARP approach n Anchored instruction n Sharing representations of practice within a community of practice n Pedagogical strategies

15 SHARP Project Pedagogical framework n Ideas about knowledge n Symbolic and situated knowledge n Declarative and procedural knowledge n Cognitive apprenticeship: modelling n Practice and working knowledge

16 SHARP Project Anchored instruction n Vanderbilt group n ‘Realistic’ problem-solving situations n Motivational benefits n Encouragement of transfer n Stronger cues for activating knowledge in memory

17 SHARP Project Learning in a community of practice n Lave & Wenger: the idea of a community of practice n JITOL: distributed communities of practice n Learning as legitimate peripheral participation n Working practices, working knowledge

18 SHARP Project Pedagogical strategies: articulation n Facilitating the creation of representations of practice and articulation of working knowledge n Practical issues n Interaction of pedagogy and technology

19 SHARP Project Pedagogical strategies: learning cycle n Tailoring support to the needs of the phases in the cycle Externalisation (articulation) Sharing Discussion, Critique Refinement Internalisation

20 SHARP Project Pedagogical strategies: animation n Animation as active moderation with clear pedagogical purposes n Clarity over your goals as animator n Prioritising and balancing conflicting goals n Establishing a clear presence n Timely, well-targetted interventions

21 SHARP Project Overview of on-line activities n Week 1 - grounding –your job, colleagues’ reactions, your hopes n Week 2 - thematic discussion –helpers and blockers –conceptual and technical issues n Week 3 - building partnerships

22 SHARP Project Closing comments n The key ideas n What we’ve accomplished today n What we’re doing next (on-line) n Meeting again for the Day 2 workshop n Thanks

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