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ROMEO AND JULIET Queen Mab Speech. Queen Mab Speech: Mercutio has some interesting ideas about dreams. In this activity, you will break down Mercutio’s.

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Presentation on theme: "ROMEO AND JULIET Queen Mab Speech. Queen Mab Speech: Mercutio has some interesting ideas about dreams. In this activity, you will break down Mercutio’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROMEO AND JULIET Queen Mab Speech

2 Queen Mab Speech: Mercutio has some interesting ideas about dreams. In this activity, you will break down Mercutio’s Queen Mab monologue so you can enjoy all that it has to offers. Using a blank sheet of paper, Step 1: Fold a side panel, about 3 inches wide. Step 2: In the larger side of the blank paper, sketch and color a picture of Queen Mab and her traveling according to Mercutio’s description. The drawing does not need to be artistic, but it does need to be neat and clear. Label each part of your drawing with its corresponding line from the text. Step 3: Within the area of the blank panel, list and explain the dreamers and actions of the following people Queen Mab messes with as they sleep: Lovers, Courtiers (1 st mention), Lawyers, Ladies, Courtiers (2 nd mention), A parson, and A soldier. Things to consider as you work through this assignment: Is Queen Mab the queen of good dreams, nightmares, or both? Explain. Re-read Mercutio’s exchange with Romeo at the end of the scene. What does Mercutio think of dreams? Why do you suppose Mercutio told such a fantastic story to Romeo? What kind of person is Mercutio? Due Date: Next Monday











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