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McGraw-Hill ICOLC Meeting Vancouver, B.C. September 21-22, 2000.

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1 AccessScience@ McGraw-Hill ICOLC Meeting Vancouver, B.C. September 21-22, 2000

2 Basic Information AccessScience includes the Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, its corresponding annual yearbooks, McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, and over 2,100 scientific biographies. This database is updated daily with articles from Science News, and with their science editors’ selected websites.

3 Updates Usage Statistics – daily, weekly, and monthly -- now available at bin/stats-admin.cgi?T=I Hundreds of new illustrations available; McGraw-Hill converting 600-700/month “Worth the wait” and “invaluable” per 9/1/00 review in Library Journal

4 AccessScience Participation Just over 3 million FTE’s participating so far, including libraries in Canada and Australia 2,800 subscribing institutions Over 20 million people have access as result of SOLINET offer A wide number of subscribers from academic libraries, two year colleges, public libraries, grades 6-12 Seeking greater high school participation

5 Participation by Library Type Weighted FTE Totals through 9/1/00 (U.S. only) Total – 2,727,792 Academic Institutions – 1,478,590 (54%) Two-Year Colleges – 210,775 (8%) Public Libraries – 808,699 (30%) High School (9-12) – 185,226 (6.5%) Junior High (6-8) – 44,502 (1.5%)

6 Order Information Deadline for orders is the 15 th of the month for access beginning the 1 st of the following month Pricing through June 30, 2001 is $0.20/FTE, plus SOLINET service fee Depending on institution size, this is 50-75% lower than the direct McGraw-Hill subscription price.

7 Order Information McGraw-Hill’s procedures mandate a signed License Agreement from the subscribing libraries before access to the database is provided. License Agreement revisions can be made; contractual language changes and revisions usually completed within one week. Please fax or mail all orders, subscriber and license agreements to Carol Dellios, Contract Administrator, SOLINET (FAX: 404-892-7879).

8 Subscription Rates by Type of Library Academic libraries at 100% of their FTEs Two year colleges at 50% of their FTEs School media centers by weighted numbers of students (e.g., 75% of enrolled students in grades 9-12; 25% for grades 6-8). Public libraries by 5% of the population within specified ranges. This is not available to special libraries.

9 Other AccessScience Info Thirty day trials are available immediately by accessing the McGraw- Hill website at AccessScience is accessible by IP address(es) or User ID and Password.

10 SOLINET Contact Information Carol Dellios, Contract Administrator phone: 800-999-8558, extension 4850 fax: 404-892-7879 website: (go to the Library Products & Services section)

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