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The role of self-reflection in a internship REU Orientation May 29, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "The role of self-reflection in a internship REU Orientation May 29, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 The role of self-reflection in a internship REU Orientation May 29, 2009

2 Expert Novice Is content knowledge enough?

3 Expert Novice (DeGroot, 1965)

4 Metacognition (Executive Control) Monitoring your progress & Making changes and adapting your strategies to ensure maximum effectiveness Winn & Snyder, 1998

5 Novice Learners Don’t evaluate their comprehension Don’t examine the quality of their work Don’t make revisions as they go Don’t make robust connections with the content Only scratch the surface of content Ertmer & Newby, 1996

6 Expert Learners Organize knowledge Identify relevant & ignore irrelevant Self-regulate & Self-evaluate Strategies self-improvement. –Practices –Experiments Respond to context and apply knowledge at crucial times Remain flexible to adapt to changing needs (Cleary and Zimmerman, 2000; Wineburg, 1998; Zimmerman & Risemberg, 1997; Ericsson and Charness, 1994; Glaser, 1992)

7 Strategies for success this summer Awareness Planning Monitoring Reflection

8 A relevant example….

9 Why practice this? Confidence Independence Ownership

10 Applying metacognitive strategies Awareness: Defining what you want to get out of the summer on your blog. Awareness: Clearly defining your summer project in your own words (w/ host input) Planning: Clearly define goals for the first, second and final thirds of the summer (w/ host input) Monitor & Reflect: Schedule time to check on your progress towards your goals and reflect on the effectiveness of the strategies you have been using to achieve them.

11 Timeline for grad school Applicaton Schedule and take GRE –general should be enough –Study the format – material is adaptive –Suggest September-October Paper search –Identify topics that interest you –Formulate key questions –Become familiar with researchers NSF / other fellowships –Deadline varies – usually around early December Grad school application –Similar deadlines as NSF –Apply to a researcher – be familiar with their work

12 Documenting your internship Blog! –GOALS –Personal issues –Scientific issues –Woes and concerns –Joys and triumphs –For friends, family, and the helpful guy in Berkeley Write weekly summary papers –More optional, but I found them helpful –Post online if you have a website

13 Weekly summaries Mini scientific papers Posted on my website Made making poster/paper really easy at the end Also kept me on task and aware of my work and its significance

14 Blog Prolific blogger (31 posts) http://2006irisporritt.blogs Topic examples: –Programming –Baking –Drinking (water et al...) –Vancouver –Tremors

15 Highlights









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