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TravelSmart Individualized Marketing Patricia Lucy Program Manager, TDM TransLink.

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Presentation on theme: "TravelSmart Individualized Marketing Patricia Lucy Program Manager, TDM TransLink."— Presentation transcript:

1 TravelSmart Individualized Marketing Patricia Lucy Program Manager, TDM TransLink

2 What is TravelSmart ? A growing community of Metro Vancouver residents making small changes in individual travel choices - all adding up to big changes in regional travel patterns.

3 A result of the learning's from past Transportation Demand Management(TDM) and Demand Side Management programs within TransLink and throughout the region A TDM brand for Metro Vancouver A more efficient use of resources by combining targeted outreach, online tools, education and marketing campaigns to achieve behaviour change What is TravelSmart ?

4 Creating the Movement General Awareness Engagement /Relationship Building Trial & Behaviour Change Mass Marketing, Advertising (traditional and online), Brand Awareness) Events, Social Media, Program Outreach, Direct Mail Pieces, Partnerships, Incentives, Contests Facilitating tools and information, constant reinforcement and support (not necessarily a final state)

5 West Vancouver

6 Direct Mail Piece

7 Transportation Fair

8 General Awareness

9 Engagement & Relationship Building

10 Facilitating Trail and Behaviour Change

11 Results Sent out 5,000 mailers Event 1,500 attendees 375 direct conversations 1,200 unique visits to the website (5 % increase in traffic) Strong relationship builder with the municipality & the non-profit partners 35 % awareness of TravelSmart within the municipality

12 Have a reason to talk to people Go where people are Make you message relevant, understand your audience Provide a variety of ways to engage Process of constant reminders and prompting Engage the online communities (face book, twitter, blogs, forums) Learning and Moving Forward

13 Does this equate to behaviour change ? Million Dollar Question

14 Thank You

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