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Rest For The Weary Mt.11:28-30. Characters in Mt.11 John John (11:2-15): more than a prophet Generation Generation (11:16-19): immature children Cities.

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Presentation on theme: "Rest For The Weary Mt.11:28-30. Characters in Mt.11 John John (11:2-15): more than a prophet Generation Generation (11:16-19): immature children Cities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rest For The Weary Mt.11:28-30

2 Characters in Mt.11 John John (11:2-15): more than a prophet Generation Generation (11:16-19): immature children Cities Cities (11:20-24): disobedient, doomed Disciples Disciples (11:25-30): blessed Jesus Jesus (11:20-30): world’s only hope

3 I. Context (Mt.11:20-27)

4 Pride: 20-24 Cities contrast with John Cities clash with John and Jesus Principles: 25-27 babies Not important people, but babies revelation Accepted, not because they are clever, but by revelation all For babies, yet available to all

5 I. Context (Mt.11:20-27) II. Conditions (Mt.11:28-30)

6 To receive the rest...  Discover  Discover (acknowledge need)  Decide  Decide (no one can come for us)  Detest  Detest (detours, Ps.119:104)  Destination  Destination (one right way, 7:13-14)  Depart  Depart (leave present location)  Drawnear  Draw near (Mt.15:8; Hb.7:19)  Descend  Descend (Jesus is lowly…)  Discipleship  Discipleship ( 1 learn; 2 follow)

7 I. Context (11:20-27) III. Complications II. Conditions (11:28-30)

8 “Come to Me” [Mt.28:20] 1. “But He is not here” [Mt.28:20] [40; 45; Jer.6:16; 30:3-4] 2. “We cannot come; God draws us – Jn.6:44” [40; 45; Jer.6:16; 30:3-4] [Lk.6:46; 14:26] 3. “I’ll meet Him halfway” [Lk.6:46; 14:26]

9 I. Context (11:20-27) II. Conditions (11:28-30) IV. Call (28-30) III. Complications (11:28)

10 “Come” (22:4) “Me” (11:27. Who else? ) 1. He is gentle and lowly (5:3-5) 2. Revealed God’s will (27; Jn.1:18) 3. Light burden (unlike Jews) 4. Symbol of OT: yoke of God’s kingdom 5. Jews learned from Law; now “Me” rest for soul 6. Sabbath – Jews; Jesus, rest for soul

11 “Come” (22:4) “Me” (11:27) All (25-26) Weary, heavy laden (23:4) Roman oppression High taxes Poverty Religious leaders SinSicknessSorrowDeathDoubtDefeat

12 “Come” (22:4) “Me” (11:27) All (25-26) Weary, heavy laden (23:4) I will give you rest Gn.8 Lit.: ‘rest up’: refresh, revive, regain strength fromin Not rest from toil, but in toil

13 “Come” (22:4) “Me” (11:27) All (25-26) Weary, heavy laden (23:4) I will give you rest Take yoke… (not license) Learn of Me (1 Pt.2:21-23) I am meek (yet, 21:5) I am lowly (Ph.2:7-8; Mt.23:8, 6)

14 rest for souls The Promise: rest for souls My yoke is easy My yoke is easy. Hb.8:10 (2 Co.3:2) My burden is light My burden is light. Mt.5:20 Jews: Scriptures were not enough 1. Mishna: elaborate restatement of Law 2. Midrash: volumes of details... 3. Talmud: formulation of Law into doc. 4. Rabbinical comments, legal decisions

15 rest for souls The Promise: rest for souls My yoke is easy My yoke is easy. Hb.8:10 (2 Co.3:2) My burden is light My burden is light. Mt.5:20 Christ’s promise affects: 1. Conscience 1. Conscience. Hb.9:9…14; 10:22 2. Peace. 2. Peace. Jesus saves → instructs “Learn of Me” Mt.11:28Salvation “Learn of Me” Mt.11:28Salvation “Learn Christ” Ep.4:20Sanctification “Learn Christ” Ep.4:20Sanctification

16 rest for souls The Promise: rest for souls My yoke is easy My yoke is easy. Hb.8:10 (2 Co.3:2) My burden is light My burden is light. Mt.5:20 Christ’s promise affects: 1. Conscience 1. Conscience. Hb.9:9…14 2. Peace. 2. Peace. Jesus saves → instructs 3. Hope 3. Hope. 2 Co.4:17 4. Love 4. Love. 1 Jn.5:3 “What can be lighter than a burden which unburdens us and a yoke which bears its bearer?” love oursalvation The Contrast Not working for cruel slave-driver but for Someone we love, for our salvation.

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