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Finlandia, 20091 Julio González Universidad of Carabobo

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1 Finlandia, 20091 Julio González Universidad of Carabobo

2 Hyvää päivää Nimeni on Julio González.   Tulkaa käymään Latinalaisessa Amerikassa ja etenkin Venezuelassa.  

3 Finlandia, 20093

4 4  Guidance in Latin America is a professional activity of recent acceptance.  Constant evolution  Dimensions: Public Policy, Contextual, Organizational and Methodological

5 Finlandia, 20095

6 6

7 7  The number of professionals dedicated to this discipline has been growing steadily.  Institutions depending on the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour, and Ministry of Youth and Women Attention; at-risk populations, (drug use and unwanted pregnancies among adolescents)

8 Finlandia, 20098  in Brazil, in 1931, 1947.  recognized by the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG).  Latin American Network of Guidance Professionals (  Journals: Mexican Journal of Educational Guidance  (

9 Finlandia, 20099  Political: three major blocks of countries with different social settings.  Institutional: school.  Fundational: theories underlying our practice is based on models imported from other countries and cultures,  Targets: Latin America... is not a seamless whole

10 Finlandia, 200910

11 Finlandia, 2009 11  A) Public Policy  absence of effective public policies  Guidance and Counseling…a continuous, planned, integral, inter-transdisciplinary and integrated system designed to offer to the citizens, throughout their life and from the educational system, the possibility of personal- social development, prevention and management of conflicts and risk situations in a democratic, participatory and autonomous way for the social welfare.

12 Finlandia, 200912  Guidance and Counseling should be considered as the priority in each of the levels and/or educative subsystems, and must therefore be addressed as a public policy of state.

13 Finlandia, 200913  With reference to the Guidance professionals training, it is worth mentioning that in most Latin American countries there is no career with a degree in Guidance and Counseling, apart from Venezuela and Costa Rica. In most countries this function is carried out by psychologists.  only 27 percent of institutions have provided adequate space for the practice of guidance.

14 Finlandia, 200914  30 percent of schools has no professional staff designated for its practice.  91 percent is active in targeting high school institutions.  Guidance and Counseling should be conceived from an educational perspective

15 Finlandia, 200915  "Guidance and Counseling is an activity developed to support the individuals to analyze their needs, diagnose their chances, consider their prospective vision to build their lives projects, and going along with them for the implementation of an improvement program; with the aim to ensure their adaptation to historical and cultural context in which they are meant to work." (p. 212)

16 Finlandia, 200916  the need to rethink and redefine the theory and practice of Guidance and Counseling  the search for new theories, models or approaches to address new cultural ever changing views nowadays

17 Finlandia, 200917  guidance and counseling do not deal only with matters related to student achievement and social adjustment, but should also include other aspects such as "... social inclusion, strengthening of democracy and the rule of law, promotion of humans rights, the restoration of duties and rights public life, culture of peace, the economic momentum with equal opportunities, active citizen participation in local, regional and national cultural processes

18 Finlandia, 200918  need to abandon the developmental model which is only aimed to become Guidance "...on an instrument to the service of the production media" (p.3), so that these individuals are to the service of the economic development decided by the leaders in turn in that country.

19 Finlandia, 2009 19  Guidance and Counseling require creating people "with a critical, self-reflective, empowering, everyday-action-centered consciousness"

20 Finlandia, 200920  rather than helping to make decisions, Guidance and Counseling should be based on how to develop a continuous construction for work and life options.

21 Finlandia, 200921  Coherence  Cooperation  Quality

22 Finlandia, 200922

23 Finlandia, 200923

24 Finlandia, 200924

25 Finlandia, 200925

26   Venezuelassa ette tarvitse hotellia, sillä minun kotini on myös teidän kotinne.


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