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KnowledgeShare Oxford Health Libraries Sarah Maddock and Julia Hallam.

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Presentation on theme: "KnowledgeShare Oxford Health Libraries Sarah Maddock and Julia Hallam."— Presentation transcript:

1 KnowledgeShare Oxford Health Libraries Sarah Maddock and Julia Hallam

2 Before KnowledgeShare Subject alerts (45) TOCS (68) Email bulletins (3) CPD for Primary Care Alerts – 7 required...

3 Solutions KnowledgeShare – 2008 starting; 2014 ready! Webex demonstration/OH user profiles Funded by HETV for 1 year as pilot

4 First steps Arranged staff training Elaine set up Athens PUID, Departments and Locations to enable library staff access. Training for all staff members on site – 1 day Practising: Test database Set up 4 dummy alerts for OH topics; monitor results

5 Testing 1 Survey of existing CA users. Comparison of existing OH alerts and KnowledgeShare alerts. Spreadsheet: Journal analysis for existing OH alerts (frequency, peer reviewed, impact factor). Plan 1: Add resources from top 26 journals identified into KnowledgeShare. – Issues: RSS compatibility, ownership and time.

6 Testing 2 Plan 2: a) Selected popular ‘Chronic Fatigue syndrome’ alert. Top 3 journal resources categorised in KnowledgeShare (but in the end only 1 could be categorised) b) Reduce alert offering and resources used in alerts. Test alerts were set up in KnowledgeShare for our 7 most popular OH alerts. Concerns: Content Suitability : lack of time to cross check resources in OH alerts with output from KnowledgeShare alerts KnowledgeShare alerts offer high level evidence – is this suitable for our more specialist alerts?

7 Literature Searches Existing Literature Searches – saved results on the G drive and used Zoho for statistics. KnowledgeShare – search results and statistics all in one place. Searches can form part of alerts. Implementation and Issues: – Browser compatibility (unable to add members) – Creating a literature search form (permissions and data protection) – Creating local procedures – Cochrane results Support from Brighton – Adding searches and members – Chrome compatibility achieved by end of September – Checking our member records and searches

8 Where we are now 50+ members added 29 search requests added Library Assistants add member profiles and search requests. Librarians add search results and professional interests (Brighton checking entries). Categorising articles from 1 journal. Promoting KnowledgeShare to everyone. Mail merge emails - Send mail merge emails to existing subscribers of alerts and those who had responded to our survey requesting info about KnowledgeShare. Still providing some subject alerts and TOC’s. Continuing to run CPD Primary Care alerts. Went live on 28 th October.

9 Challenges Time and workload – adapting/managing existing service alongside KnowledgeShare implementation. Unsure if quality of KnowledgeShare output similar to our existing OH alerts (too early to tell). Writing procedures and creating guides and forms. Browser compatibility TOCs- RSS feeds Literature Searches: Cochrane/non HDAS compatibility

10 Positive Support from Brighton and Sussex – Training (formal and ad hoc) – Meeting our developmental requests - flexible – Guides, Handbooks, Test Database – Regular Webex’s, Workshop – Prompt response to emails – No question is too small – Frequent updates and developments – Completing work for us when we were unable (browser issues etc) – Checking our entries Users seem enthusiastic. Potential to save staff time and provide a low cost, valuable service to users.

11 Any Questions? Oxford Health Libraries

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